thanks for the reply

both me & mowren were/are interested in adding a pause/delay/sleep type function between lines of lua code to work in a similar way as the pause action part does by waiting until the set time has ended before continuing the rest of the lines below or whatever is wrapped in a function or if else query. - I figured out a way to do this using the getTime command, but it's not a very clean method.
I agree with you on using LUA/code is much quicker than having to browse here, there, click this & that in the editor as you can do it on a single page by typing a few lines & search for a line of code you need to alter directly. - are you writing code inside of the VS editor or using another application? (I use sublime text editor)
things like conditions & values though - I would recommend creating them via the editor so they are all available on game launch (I tend to create them in scene value tab or on my main character as global values)
here are the visionaire player commands I have written up so far - most of them are more or less finished but I need to sort a few more examples for some of them. also the audio commands are for the next release for use with openAL & won't work in the current release.