if you open up your projects .ved file in notepad++ you can manually edit / add a lot of things via code if you like.
I recommend having a look at sublime text editor - it's much nicer than notepad++ & it has an unlimited try before you buy policy; meaning you can use it as long as you like without limitations & then pay the single time $80 license key fee when you are ready or if you decide you want to use the application permanently
http://www.sublimetext.com/ --*--
P.S: Divo showed me how to do the include script thing
if you check the wiki (via header above), he also shows how to include custom or other third party libraries too - I've not looked into it myself yet.
Also there's the open source
love2d lua framework which has some nice libraries/functions etc - I've been wondering if it would be possible to get some of them to work with VS too as they have certain things like physics, timers, image manipulation & so on which might be useful for some people.