By Yarek...
Lol to be honest I was just checking if the new update was good enough to change the version of my project but then I started to read your discussion about spanish food and I found it quite interesting.
As a spanish guy myself ( Barcelona ) I can say that we believe that we have one of the best cuisines in the world and this is one of the few things we are really proud of.
What I think is the key point here is that we have a lot of different dishes because every region of Spain has several unique dishes.
BTW I just realized I don't know any spanish developer using Visionaire Studio apart from me. Are any of you spanish?
There are a few Spanish developers on here. Last year a team of Spanish developers tried to kickstart a game called Waldemar the Warlock - I think that is what it was called? Then again my memory is not that great so it could have been you? Anyway... there are a few other developers too.
By the way I have been living in Almeria (currently) for the past 2 years (almost), before that I lived for around 10 years in the Granada region. I quite liked Granada city, but it's really cold up where we lived. Much prefer living down here as I am currently in a t-shirt & it's december. If I was still up in Granada I would have
probably been wearing 2 pairs of jeans, about 10 t-shirts & 20 jumpers about now.

As for the food... yes there are probably other nice things, but I probably don't remember the names of everything I've tried. One thing I do like about Spain is that you often get a tapa when you order a drink, which is something you would probably never get in the UK unless you managed to find an actual tapas bar / restaurant. I never saw one where I am from in the UK though.
I think for me the biggest problem is that a lot of the food is very orientated around cured meats & seafood dishes. & lots & lots of salt & olive oil.
As a spanish guy myself ( Barcelona ) I can say that we believe that we have one of the best cuisines in the world and this is one of the few things we are really proud of.
haha. That's what every country believes, just like every country believes their country is the best (except america, as they like to constantly remind everyone that their country is the best). Personally I'm very picky when it comes to what I will eat. Always have been, but I like bits of food from loads of different countries. I'm the same when it comes to food from the UK too (I mean actual food from the UK, not the 50 million different adopted dishes due to having one of the most overly populated countries in the world full).
@ Deshini: the boiled meat thing is actually British thing. York ham. It repulses me because you open the packet & it looks like it's often swimming in water or something. I am a big fan of roast & grilled (or bbq) meats myself, especially steak. Couple minutes each side on high with some caramelized onions & some smoky bbq sauce, yes please!

As for spotted dick, that's one of those things you get on the school dinner menu & at first you wonder why it's on there... & then you wonder why anyone would be mad enough to call it a spotted dick in the first place.
P.P.S: I think VS should have a food category. -