I'm sure it will go through greenlight easy peasy. Most games do. The game I'm helping with was greenlighted in a few days I think (although Marian would have to confirm himself as I didn't pay much attention to it).
By the way you can always cheat for extra votes too... buy a cheap bundle from humble bundle or bundle stars or wherever & giveaway the games you don't want from them via steam gifts website & as thanks just ask people to kindly check out your game on greenlight & vote for it if they like it. There's usually thousands of people enter into level 0 giveaways. Cheating but it works well for other things too such as getting subscribers for your youtube / twitch accounts or to join your steam review / giveaway or whatever groups, etc.
P.S: there's still 3 days on the
Telltale games bundle on Humble Bundle. The first tier is only $1 & will net you 6 games including season 1 of "The Walking Dead" & some other nice titles. That's less than €1.

P.P.S: you don't have to reveal the keys & use them instantly. You can reveal them at any date you like after purchase - just so you know.