haha. Just watched the video. Now just what was that Barbie doll thing doing to the teddy near the end of the video?

Cartoon porn isn't really my cup of tea, but I know someone on my steam friend list who would probably love this.
Moving on... the graphics are all really nicely done. I can see what you mean about the animations. I aren't too keen about the permanently displayed inventory bar thing at the top of the scene. I have similar grievances with the game I'm helping develop as I hate having gui elements cluttering up the screen in general as they obscure the pretty artwork.
As for the game, yeah it reminds me of Larry & that other porn sim game from the 90's - what's it called... (will look it up)... ah, yeah, "Lula: The Sexy Empire" - I haven't actually played it but it came to mind. Vaguely recall seeing an article for it in one of the Amiga magazines we used to buy a long long time ago (my memory is strange like that - can't remember 5 minutes ago, but can remember various useless shit from years ago).