Hey this is cool!Dont worry about the mature content for the Steam, my game also has tons nudity & mature stuff in it. Only thing they warmed me about the cover picture of the game which had some nudity. I changed it then its all ok. When we can play your demo?
haha. Just watched the video. Now just what was that Barbie doll thing doing to the teddy near the end of the video?
Cartoon porn isn't really my cup of tea, but I know someone on me steam friend list who would probably love this.
Moving on... the graphics are all really nicely done. I can see what you mean about the animations. I aren't too keen about the permanently displayed inventory bar thing at the top of the scene. I have similar grievances with the game I'm helping develop as I hate having gui elements cluttering up the screen in general as they obscure the pretty artwork.
It's not really porn since the character is not trying to get laid or show him doing anything but it is considered adult though ^_^
I like the graphics. The limo thing should be a simple fix. Just have a static vibrating type animation & use the :to() tweening function with easing to make it move off towards another position. The biggest problem you might face with certain animations (like the limo) is that your art style is very wonky (skewed / warped), so plotting paths might not always be so easy.
It's not really porn since the character is not trying to get laid or show him doing anything but it is considered adult though ^_^
What do you call the x-rated porn shots on the tv screens & the boners poking in from behind plant pots?
Well... it that sense Larry was porn game too right ^_^? but it wasn't (as far as I know). This is why I am asking about these things because I do not want the game to be considered porn as that will totally alienate the market that I am trying to reach
ActiveAnimations["limo"]:to(1000, {AnimationCurrentPosition = {x = 500, y = 500} }, easeQuintIn) -- move animation limo to 500, 500 over 1000ms with slow build up.
Hey this is cool!Dont worry about the mature content for the Steam, my game also has tons nudity & mature stuff in it. Only thing they warmed me about the cover picture of the game which had some nudity. I changed it then its all ok. When we can play your demo?