thanks for the recent bug fixes =)
I discovered that sometimes i am not able to change the value by clicking on the little arrow up/down in integer fields. Don't know if it worked before, though

What still bothers me in some way:
- object texts in menus are scrolling with the menu when i go to left/right, but only as far as it reaches the border of the scene/menu. Then it scrolls with the scene.
In 4.X it they just scrolled out of the visible area. I use pixel fonts and no ttf here.
- alpha transparent png images (lets say 60%) on a 100% visible object get "Multiplied" (i guess) instead of "added". By this on a single color background and an object with the same color object image (but with a little alpha) gets darker here. 4.X was ok here.
- getProperty("system_language") returns nothing for me.
local language = getObject("Conditions[config_language]")
function setsystemlanguage()
local lang = getProperty("system_language")
print("system Language is: ".. lang)
if lang == "german" then
game.StandardLanguage = Languages["German"]; language.ConditionValue = true;
print(" language: DE -system");
game.StandardLanguage = Languages["English"]; language.ConditionValue = false;
print(" language: EN -system");
- some "misplaced" Action tabs , but that was already mentioned ^__^