Die Datenstruktur ist wichtig um mit LUA Script arbeiten zu können. Die Tabellen die mit "Active" anfangen beinhalten dynamisch erzeugte Objekte. Beispielsweise...
The tables starting with Active contain dynamically created objects. For example all actions are stored in the table Action but once an action gets executed an object in ActiveAction will be created where the currently active action is stored.
You may have noticed some of these [?] symbols floating around here & there on this page. They represent information. To access said information, you just need to hover your mouse cursor over the symbol. - very informative, no?
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
ActionActionParts | t_links to ActionPart (parent) | Actionparts of this action. The actionparts will be executed if this action is started. | V | |
ActionCommand | t_link to Button | Command which must be active to execute this action. | V | |
ActionExecutionType | t_int | Defines when the action is started. '0': right mouse button click. | V | |
ActionFixture | t_link to Object | Item which is necessary to execute this action. | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
ActionAreaActions | t_links to AreaAction (parent) | The actions which will be executed if a character enters or leaves the action area (see ActionAreaPolygon). | V | |
ActionAreaPolygon | t_vpoint | Polygon which defines the border of this action area. If a character enters or leaves this polygon then the actions from ActionAreaActions are executed. | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
ActionPartAltInt | t_int | Parameter #2. Defined by ActionPartCommand. | V | |
ActionPartAltInt2 | t_int | Parameter #3. Defined by ActionPartCommand. | V | |
ActionPartAltLink | t_link | Link to desired object #2. The type of the link object (e.g. Scene, Interface, Character) is defined by ActionPartCommand. | V | |
ActionPartCommand | t_int | Actionpart type. See Actionparts Documentation for all action part types. | V | |
ActionPartInt | t_int | Parameter #1. Defined by ActionPartCommand. | V | |
ActionPartLink | t_link (parent if link to Text) | Link to desired object. The type of the link object (e.g. Scene, Interface, Character) is defined by ActionPartCommand. | V | |
ActionPartPath | t_path | Path to a file (e.g. sound file, movie file, image file). | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
ActionActionPartIndex | t_int | Index of current active actionpart inside this action. If changing the current action part you have to make sure that ActionContinueWaitForEndIfElse is also correct for the new action part index. | S | |
ActionContinueWaitForEndIfElse | t_int | Total number of open if statements in this action at current position. Use with care. | S | |
ActionActionPartStarted | t_bool | True if the current action part is already started, e.g. if a text is shown but the action waits until the display of the text is finished. Only used internally for action parts which cause the action to wait. | S | |
ActionPauseTime | t_int | Time past since last timer was started. Only valid if ActionTimerStarted is true. | S | |
ActionTimerStarted | t_bool | True if there is currently a timer running (e.g. waiting for pause). | S |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
AnimationActive | t_bool | True if the animation was started. This value can be false if the animation was preloaded but not yet started. If set to false and the animation is not preloaded then it is deleted. If it is preloaded and set to false then the animation is hidden but kept alive. If set to true when the animation was not yet started (only possible if it was preloaded) then the animation is started. | S | |
AnimationCalledTime | t_int | Time (in msec) past since frame was first shown or animation loop finished. | S | |
AnimationCurrentPosition | t_point | Position on scene of animation (each frame can have an offset to the animation which is defined in each sprite). | S | |
AnimationCurrentSpriteIndex | t_int | Index of currently active frame. | S | |
AnimationCurrentSpritePos | t_point | Position on scene of currently active frame. | S | |
AnimationFirstFrame | t_int | First frame of the animation to show. Default value is 1, so the animation is shown with the first available frame. | S | |
AnimationFrameCount | t_int | Total number of frames already shown in the current animation loop. | S | |
AnimationLastFrame | t_int | Last frame of the animation to show. Default value is the number of frames of the animation, so the animation is shown until the end. | S | |
AnimationLoops | t_int | Number of animation loops remaining (the current animation loop is also counted). 0 means infinite animation loops. | S | |
AnimationPlayOppositeDirection | t_bool | True if the animation is played backwards. | S | |
AnimationPreloaded | t_bool | True if the animation is preloaded. If it is preloaded the value of AnimationActive defines if the animation is shown or just kept in memory. | S | |
AnimationSize | t_int | Scaling of animation in percent (100 means animation is played in original size, < 100: animation is shrinked, > 100: animation is enlarged). | S | |
AnimationStartedByUser | t_bool | True if the animation was started by the user through an action part. Used internally to know which animations must be stored in savegames. | S | |
AnimationWaiting | t_bool | True if animation is currently waiting for next animation loop (e.g. if there is a random pause between animation loops). | S | |
AnimationWaitingTime | t_int | Total time (in msec) currently waiting between two animation loops. Only valid if AnimationWaiting is true. | S |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
TextActive | t_bool | True if the text is currently active. | S | |
TextBackground | t_bool | True if the text is shown in the background. If false then the text is shown in the foreground and no user interaction is possible (except skipping the text). | S | |
TextCurrentText | t_string | Currently shown text. This is a part of the whole text between pause-tags or the whole text if there are no pause-tags. | S | |
TextFont | t_link to Font | Font used for displaying this text. | S | |
TextOwner | t_link to Character or Object or Button | Object which own this text. Only speaker texts do not have an owner. If an owner exists the text is only shown if the owner is currently active. | S | |
TextPosition | t_point | Position on scene where the text is shown. | S | |
TextRemainingText | t_string | Remaining text after TextCurrentText. | S | |
TextTimeElapsed | t_int | time (in msec) elapsed since showing current part (TextCurrentText) of text. | S | |
TextTimeToWait | t_int | Total time (in msec) for showing current part (TextCurrentText) of text. | S | |
TextWaitForAudio | t_bool | True if current part of text (TextCurrentText) is shown until the speech file for this text is finished. If value is true then TextTimeToWait will be ignored. | S |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
AnimationAction | t_link to Action | Action which is started when the animation is finished. | V | |
AnimationCenter | t_point | Defines the center of the animation. If an animation is set to a position then the center will match this position (e.g. used for hotspot of cursor or feet center of character animation). | V | |
AnimationDirection | t_int | Defines the direction in degress ('0' - '359') this animation should be used for (only for character animations). | V | |
AnimationLoopRandom | t_bool | If true then there is a random pause between 2 loops of the animation. If false the next loop is shown immediately. | V | |
AnimationMirror | t_link to Animation | Link to an animation which will be shown mirrored (horizontally) instead of this animation. If the link is not empty all other settings of this animation are not used (because settings are used from the linked animation). | V | |
AnimationModelAnimIndex (v4.0) | t_int | Index of the animation stored in a 3D model file that is chosen for the current animation. If the animation index is invalid, the first animation stored in the 3D model file is used. | V | |
AnimationModelAnimSpeed (v4.0) | t_int | Replay speed of a 3D model animation in ticks per second. This field can be used to finetune the duration of individual animations without changing the 3D model file. The default value is 15. | V | |
AnimationMove | t_bool | Effects drawing order of the animation. If true the drawing order depends on the current animation position, if false the drawing order depends on the object this animation belongs to (should only be set to true for animations which are moving vertically, or if the sprites have different height) | V | |
AnimationNumberOfLoops | t_int | Number of loops. '0' if it is an endless animation. | V | |
AnimationPause | t_int | Time in milli seconds between two frames of the animation. Is only used if AnimationUseIndividualPause is false (otherwise the pause is stored in each sprite). | V | |
AnimationPosition | t_point | Upper left corner of animation on scene (or interface). | V | |
AnimationPropertyFrames | t_links to AnimationFrame (parent) | Frames with special properties which will be used when the frame of the animation (identified by AnimationFrameIndex) is shown. | V | |
AnimationReplay | t_int | eReplayNormal ('0'): animation loops are shown in normal order. eReplayReverse ('1'): each loop of the animation is shown in reverse order. | V | |
AnimationSprites | t_vsprites | All sprites of the animation. | V | |
AnimationUseIndividualPause | t_bool | If true then the pause between two frames of the animation is stored in each sprite. If false then AnimationPause is used for the pause between two frames. | V | |
AnimationWalkSteps | t_vfloat | Only used for character walk animations. Defines the distance (pixels in one second at 100% size) between animation frames. If OutfitSlideWalkAnimation is true the character also moves while a frame is shown (the current position will be interpolated), if false the character only moves when a new frame is shown. | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
AnimationFrameAction | t_link to Action | An action which will be started when this frame is shown. | V | |
AnimationFrameIndex | t_int | Frame number to identify the frame. This is the 'n'-th frame (index starting with '0') of the animation which linked to this frame by AnimationPropertyFrames. | V | |
AnimationFrameSound | t_path | A sound which will be played when this frame is shown. | V | |
AnimationFrameSoundBalance | t_int | Balance of the sound (AnimationFrameSound). Must be between '-100' (only left speaker) and '100' (only right speaker). | V | |
AnimationFrameSoundVolume | t_int | Volume of the sound (AnimationFrameSound). Must be between '0' (mute) and '100' (full volume). | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
AreaActionAction | t_link to Action (parent) | The action to execute if all conditions are fulfilled (see AreaActionCharacter and AreaActionExecuteAlways). The execution type of the action (ActionExecutionType) must also match the character either entering or leaving the area (type is either '29' (CharacterEntersArea) or '30' (CharacterLeavesArea)). | V | |
AreaActionCharacter | t_link to Character | If set the action is only executed if the specified character enters/leaves (see ActionExecutionType) the area. If not set then the action is executed for all characters. | V | |
AreaActionExecuteAlways | t_bool | If false then the action is only executed if the scene of this area action is currently shown. If true then the action is always executed independently if the scene of this area action is currently shown or not. | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
ButtonActions | t_links to Action (parent) | All actions of this button. | V | |
ButtonActiveSprite | t_link to Sprite (parent) | Sprite which is shown if the button is active. If ButtonType is '3' or '6' (command) and this button is currently selected then the button is active. If ButtonType is '1' or '2' (scroll arrow) and it is possible to scroll the items then the button is also active. In all other situations the button is inactive. | V | |
ButtonAnimation | t_link to Animation | Animation which will be played automatically if the button is shown (see ButtonCondition). | V | |
ButtonAnimations | t_links to Animation (parent) | All animations of the button. | V | |
ButtonCommandType | t_int | Only used if the button is a command (ButtonType = '3' or '6'). Defines the type of this command: '0' (eButtonNormal): normal command (e.g. 'Look at', 'Push'). | V | |
ButtonCondition | t_link to Condition | If ButtonCondition is not empty then the button is only shown and detected by the cursor if the conidition is true (or the condition is false and ButtonConditionNegate is true). | V | |
ButtonConditionNegate | t_bool | If true then the condition ButtonCondition is negated. (see ButtonCondition) | V | |
ButtonConjunction | t_link to Text | The conjunction word for the action text (e.g. 'with' in action text 'Use item with ...'). Only used if the button is a combined command (ButtonType = '3' or '6' and ButtonCommandType = '1' or '2'). | V | |
ButtonCursor | t_link to Cursor | Only used if button is a command (ButtonType = '3' or '6'). The cursor which is shown if the command is active. | V | |
ButtonDraggable | t_bool | If true then items can be dragged (the item is shown instead of the cursor and can be dropped on any object) with this command (only if GameDraggableItems is true and ButtonType of this button is '3'). | V | |
ButtonGroup | t_links to Button | List of commands (ButtonType of the linked buttons must be '3' or '6') which are used for the button group. With a button group it is possible to define an action for a various number of commands (all commands which are linked by this button). | V | |
ButtonInactiveSprite | t_link to Sprite (parent) | Sprite which is shown if the button is inactive. (see ButtonActiveSprite) | V | |
ButtonName | t_link to Text | Only used if button is a command (ButtonType = '3' or '6'). The name of the command which is shown in the action text. | V | |
ButtonPolygon | t_vpoint | Polygon which defines the border of the button. The button is detected if the cursor is inside the polygon. | V | |
ButtonType | t_int | Defines the type of this button: '0' (eButtonPlaceholder): Placeholder for an item. | V | |
ButtonUse | t_int | Only used if button is a command (ButtonType = '3' or '6'). Defines on what the command can be used on: '0' (eUseOnAll): on objects (scene objects and items) and characters. | V | |
ButtonUseOnCurrentCharacter | t_bool | Only used if button is a command (ButtonType = '3' or '6') and ButtonUse is '1' or '2'. If false the command can be used on all characters except the current character. If true the command can also be used on the current character. | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
CharacterActions :getLinks(VCharacterActions)">[?] | t_links | All actions of the character. | V | |
CharacterActionDestPosition :getPoint(VCharacterActionDestPosition)">[?] | t_point | If this position is set and an action is executed on this character then the current character walks to this position (instead of directly to the character) to execute the action. | V/S | |
CharacterActive :getBool(VCharacterActive)">[?] | t_bool | If true the character is shown and detected by the cursor. (default) | S | |
CharacterActiveCommand :getLink(VCharacterActiveCommand)">[?] | t_link | Currently active command for this character. The button must have ButtonType = '3'. | S | |
CharacterActiveDialogFont | t_link | Font which is used for a currently selected dialog part. | V | |
CharacterAnimIndex :getInt(VCharacterAnimIndex)">[?] | t_int | Index for character animations. If there is more than one animation for a direction (e.g. two talk animations for direction 90 degrees) this value decides which animation is used. The index starts with '0' (default, use first animation). | S | |
CharacterAnimState :getInt(VCharacterAnimState)">[?] | t_int | Type of currently playing character animation: '0': No animation. | S | |
CharacterCommentSets | t_links | All comment sets of the character. | V | |
CharacterConditions :getLinks(VCharacterConditions)">[?] | t_links | All conditions of the character. | V | |
CharacterCurrentCommentSet :getLink(VCharacterCurrentCommentSet)">[?] | t_link | Currently used comment set. | V/S | |
CharacterCurrentOutfit :getLink(VCharacterCurrentOutfit)">[?] | t_link | Currently used outfit. | V/S | |
CharacterDestination :getPoint(VCharacterDestination)">[?] | t_point | Destination where the character is currently walking to. | S | |
CharacterDestinationObject :getPoint(VCharacterDestinationObject)">[?] | t_point | Scene object the character is currently walking to. The character will be aligned to the scene object when it is reached and an action is executed (see GameDestinationCommand, GameDestinationItem and GameDestinationItemPicked). | S | |
CharacterDestVisibility :getInt(VCharacterDestVisibility)">[?] | t_int | The visibility of the character is fading to the visibility defined by this value. Must be between '0' and '100'. '0' means the character will not be visible at all (but is still recognized by the cursor), '100' means the character will be completely visible (default). The time to fade from the current visibility to CharacterDestVisibility is defined by CharacterTimeToDestVisibility. | S | |
CharacterDialogActiveScrollDown | t_sprite | Active scroll arrow (for scrolling down). Is displayed if a dialog is currently active and there are too many dialog parts to be displayed in the dialog area (CharacterDialogArea). (makes only sense for characters which can be controlled by the user) | V | |
CharacterDialogActiveScrollUp | t_sprite | Active scroll arrow (for scrolling up). Is displayed if a dialog is currently active and there are too many dialog parts to be displayed in the dialog area (CharacterDialogArea). | V | |
CharacterDialogArea | t_rect | Defines the absolute position on the screen where the dialog is displayed. | V | |
CharacterDialogCursor | t_link | Cursor which will be displayed if a dialog is currently active. | V | |
CharacterDialogInactiveScrollDown | t_sprite | Inactive scroll arrow (for scrolling down). Is displayed if a dialog is currently active and there are too many dialog parts to be displayed in the dialog area (CharacterDialogArea). | V | |
CharacterDialogInactiveScrollUp | t_sprite | Inactive scroll arrow (for scrolling up). Is displayed if a dialog is currently active and there are too many dialog parts to be displayed in the dialog area (CharacterDialogArea). | V | |
CharacterDialogs | t_links | All dialogs which can be spoken with this character. | V | |
CharacterDialogSprite | t_sprite | Sprite which is used as a background for dialogs. | V | |
CharacterDialogVerticalSpace | t_int | Distance between two dialog part selections (in pixel). | V | |
CharacterDirection :getInt(VCharacterDirection)">[?] | t_int | Direction (in degress from 0 to 360) the character is currently looking at. Always the animation (or sprite) which best fits the direction is shown (e.g. if there are 4 animations for 0,90,180 and 270 degress and CharacterDirection is set to 80 then the second animation is shown). | S | |
CharacterFollowAction :getLink(VCharacterFollowAction)">[?] | t_link | Action which is executed if this character is following another character (CharacterFollowCharacter) and the other character is within reach (less pixel than CharacterFollowReachDistance). | S | |
CharacterFollowCharacter :getLink(VCharacterFollowCharacter)">[?] | t_link | Character which this character is currently following. | S | |
CharacterFollowReachDistance :getInt(VCharacterFollowReachDistance)">[?] | t_int | If this character is following another character (CharacterFollowCharacter) this value defines (in pixel) when the other character is within reach (see CharacterFollowAction). | S | |
CharacterFont | t_link | Font which is used for all texts which are spoken by this character. | V | |
CharacterInactiveDialogFont | t_link | Font which is used for all dialog parts except the selected one (see CharacterActiveDialogFont). | V | |
CharacterInterfaces :getLinks(VCharacterInterfaces)"> | t_links | All interfaces currently used for this character. | V/S | |
CharacterItems :getLinks(VCharacterItems)"> | t_links | All items which are picked up by this character. | S | |
CharacterItemsScrollPosition | t_int | Current scroll position of the items in the interface/inventory. | S | |
CharacterName | t_link | The name of the character (as shown in the action text). | V | |
CharacterOutfits :getLinks(VCharacterOutfits)"> | t_links | All outfits of the character. | V | |
CharacterPosition :getPoint(VCharacterPosition)"> | t_point | Current position of character. (if field is set and character is walking, then it will stop walking) | S | |
CharacterScale :getBool(VCharacterScale)"> | t_bool | If false the character is not scaled and will always be drawn in the original size. | V | |
CharacterScaleFactor :getInt(VCharacterScale)"> | t_int | Factor in % the character is scaled with. Must be > '0' (default '100'). | V/S | |
CharacterScene :getLink(VCharacterScene)"> | t_link | Scene where the character is currently on. | S | |
CharacterSize :getFloat(VCharacterSize)"> | t_float | Current size of character in % ('100' = original size) taking CharacterScale, CharacterScaleFactor and the current character position on the scene into account. | S | |
CharacterStartObject | t_link | Scene object where the character is standing (ObjectPosition) at the beginning of the game. | V | |
CharacterState :getInt(VCharacterState)"> | t_int | Current state of character: (only set to '2' to stop walking, do not set '3') '2': standing. | S | |
CharacterTimeToDestVisibility :getInt(VCharacterTimeToDestVisibility)"> | t_int | Defines the time in milli seconds until the visibility CharacterDestVisibility is reached. This value is used the next time when CharacterDestVisibility is set. | S | |
CharacterTint :getInt(VCharacterTint)"> | t_int | Color the character will be drawn with. If the most significant byte is not 0 then this color will be ignored (default) and the lightmap (if present) and scene brightness will be used for the tint of the character. Otherwise the three lower bytes are used for the tint the character will be drawn with. The least significant byte specifies red, then green and the third byte specifies blue. E.g. with 0xFF0000 the character would be drawn with a blue light. | S | |
CharacterValues :getLinks(VCharacterValues)"> | t_links | All values of the character. | V | |
CharacterVisibility :getInt(VCharacterVisibility)"> | t_int | Visibility of the character in %. Must be between '0' and '100'. '0' means the character is not visible at all (but is still recognized by the cursor), '100' means the character is completely visible (default). | S | |
CharacterWalkingSound :getPath(VCharacterWalkingSound)"> | t_path | Sound which is played if the character is walking. | V/S |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
CommentSetEntries | t_links to CommentSetEntry | All comment set entries of this comment set. | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
CommentSetEntryText | t_link to Text | Text for this comment. | V | |
CommentSetEntryCommand | t_link to Button | If empty this comment set entry is a standard comment set entry (used for all comments). If this link is a command (ButtonType must be '3') then this comment set entry will only be shown if a command is shown after an execution of an action with this command failed. | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
ConditionCondition1 | t_link to Condition | First condition for a combined condition (only used if ConditionIsVariable is false). | V | |
ConditionCondition1Negate | t_bool | If true then ConditionCondition1 will be negated (only used if ConditionIsVariable is false). | V | |
ConditionCondition2 | t_link to Condition | Second condition for a combined condition (only used if ConditionIsVariable is false). | V | |
ConditionCondition2Negate | t_bool | If true then ConditionCondition2 will be negated (only used if ConditionIsVariable is false). | V | |
ConditionIsVariable | t_bool | If true this condition only contains true or false. If false this condition is a combined condition (see ConditionCondition1, ConditionCondition2). | V | |
ConditionOperator | t_int | Defines how ConditionCondition1 and ConditionCondition2 are combined (only used if ConditionIsVariable is false): '0': logical AND. | V | |
ConditionReturnNegate | t_bool | If true then the combined result of ConditionCondition1 and ConditionCondition2 will be negated (only used if ConditionIsVariable is false). | V | |
ConditionValue | t_bool | Current value of condition. True or false. This is only used if ConditionIsVariable is true. | V/S |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
CursorActiveAnimation | t_link to Animation | Animation of the active cursor. | V | |
CursorHotspot | t_point | Point on the cursor which defines the 'center' of the cursor. | V | |
CursorInactiveAnimation | t_link to Animation | Animation of the inactive cursor. | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
DialogDialogParts | t_links to DialogPart (parent) | All dialog part selections of this dialog. | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
DialogPartAction | t_link to Action (parent) | Action which is executed if this dialog part is selected. It is not allowed to start a dialog in this action. | V | |
DialogPartAltText | t_link to Text (parent) | Text which is spoken by the current character (only used if DialogPartUseAltText is true, otherwise DialogPartText is spoken). | V | |
DialogPartAnswerText | t_link to Text (parent) | Text which is spoken by the other character (character where the dialog belongs to) after the text is spoken by the current character. | V | |
DialogPartAvailable | t_bool | If true then this dialog part is still available (see DialogPartRemove). | S | |
DialogPartCondition | t_link to Condition | The dialog part selection is only shown if the condition is true (or the condition is false and DialogPartConditionNegate is true). | V | |
DialogPartConditionNegate | t_bool | If true then the condition DialogPartCondition is negated. (see DialogPartCondition) | V | |
DialogPartLinkedAction | t_link to Action | Action which is executed if this dialog part is selected and the link DialogPartAction is empty. It is not allowed to start a dialog in this action. | V | |
DialogPartNextDialog | t_link to Dialog (parent) | Dialog which is shown when this dialog part is selected. | V | |
DialogPartRemove | t_bool | If true then this dialog part can only be selected once (DialogPartAvailable will be set to false after selection). | V | |
DialogPartReturn | t_int | Defines which dialog is shown if this dialog part is selected (and the dialog part does not have a dialog with active dialog parts below): '0' (eDialogReturnToSame): the same dialog will be shown again. | V | |
DialogPartText | t_link to Text (parent) | Text which is shown as a selection in the dialog. Further it is spoken by the current character if DialogPartUseAltText is false. | V | |
DialogPartUseAltText | t_bool | If true then DialogPartAltText will be spoken by the current character, otherwise DialogPartText. | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
FontAlphabet | t_string | A string which contains all characters of the font. The characters have to be in the same order as they appear in the sprite FontSprite (from left to right and top to bottom). | V | |
FontAutoLineBreak | t_bool | If true then line breaks will be added to all texts rendered with this font so that the maximum length of a line does not exceed a certain limit. Each line has a maximum width which is defined in FontLineWidth. | V | |
FontBorder | t_bool | If true a font border will be drawn. This value is only used for TrueType fonts (see FontTrueTypeFont). | V | |
FontBorderColor | t_int | Color for font border. The least significant byte specifies red, then green and the third byte specifies blue. This value is only used for TrueType fonts (see FontTrueTypeFont) and if FontBorder is set to true. | V | |
FontBorderSize | t_float | Size of font border in pixels. This value is only used for TrueType fonts (see FontTrueTypeFont) and if FontBorder is set to true. | V | |
FontColor | t_int | Font color. The least significant byte specifies red, then green and the third byte specifies blue. This value is only used for TrueType fonts (see FontTrueTypeFont). | V | |
FontFont | t_link | Font which will be used as reference. This can be useful to define a new font with own color, size, etc. based on an existing TrueType font (see FontTrueTypeFont). This can save a lot of resources compared to creating a new TrueType font. | V | |
FontLetters | t_vrect | List of rectangles where each rectangle contains the position of a single character on the sprite (FontSprite). | V | |
FontLetterSpacing | t_int | Horizontal distance between two characters (in pixel). | V | |
FontLineWidth | t_int | Maximum line width (in pixel) for automatic line break. This value is only used if FontAutoLineBreak is true. | V | |
FontShadow | t_bool | If true a font shadow will be drawn. This value is only used for TrueType fonts (see FontTrueTypeFont). | V | |
FontShadowOffset | t_point | Offset in pixels for font shadow (see FontShadow). | V | |
FontSize | t_float | Font size in pixels. This value is only used for TrueType fonts (see FontTrueTypeFont). | V | |
FontSpaceWidth | t_int | Width of space (in pixels). | V | |
FontSprite | t_sprite | Sprite with all characters of the font. | V | |
FontTrueTypeFont | t_bool | If set to true this is a TrueType font. Either FontTrueTypeFontPath or FontFont must be set for a valid font. | V | |
FontTrueTypeFontPath | t_path | Path to TrueType font file. This value is only used for TrueType fonts (see FontTrueTypeFont). | V | |
FontVerticalLetterSpacing | t_int | Vertical distance between two characters (in pixel). | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
GameAbout | t_string | Long description of game, authors can make additional comments here. | V | |
GameActions | t_links to Action (parent) | All actions which can be started with a key. The key value is stored in ActionExecutionType. | V | |
GameActionTextFont | t_link to Font | Font which will be used for the action text - only used if GameDrawActionText is '1' or '2'. | V | |
GameActionTextRect | t_rect | Rectangle in which the action text will be drawn horizontally and vertically centered - only used if GameDrawActionText is '2'. | V | |
GameActiveCommand | t_link to Button | The currently active command. | V/S | |
GameAlignCharacterOnImExecution | t_bool | If true the active character will be automatically aligned to the clicked object when an action with execution type 'immediate' is executed. | V | |
GameAlwaysAllowSkipText | t_bool | If true the active text can always be skipped with the left mouse button (even when the cursor is disabled or a cutscene is running). | V/S | |
GameAutoHideInterfacesInMenu | t_bool | If true all interfaces are hidden if the current scene is a menu. If it is necessary to display an interface on a menu then this option must be set to false and the interfaces must be hidden manually when necessary. | V/S | |
GameCharacterComposedFile | t_path | Defines the filename for composing the character when compiling the game. | V | |
GameCharacterComposedFiles | t_int | The number of composed character files: '0' (eMainContainer): All characters are stored in the main container. | V | |
GameCharacterLinks | t_links to Character (parent) | All characters of the game. | V | |
GameCommandBehaviour | t_int | Behavior for selecting the standard command. '0'(eStdCommandAlways): set standard command after executing an action. | V/S | |
GameCompanyName | t_string | The company name is used for the path where the savegames are stored. E.g. on an English Windows Vista the path could look like this: C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\<CompanyName>\<GameName>\Savegames. If no company name or game name is specified the savegames are stored in the directory below the ved-file directory. | V | |
GameComposedFile | t_path | Defines the filename for composing the main output file (.vis file) when compiling the game. | V | |
GameCurrentCharacter | t_link to Character | Character which is currently controlled by the player (active character). | S | |
GameCurrentObject | t_link to Object or Character or Button | The object currently below the cursor. | S | |
GameCurrentScene | t_link to Scene | Scene which is currently shown. | S | |
GameCursorHorizontalScrollDistance | t_int | Distance of cursor to the left or right screen border where horizontal scrolling will be started. | S | |
GameCursorVerticalScrollDistance | t_int | Distance of cursor to the top or bottom screen border where vertical scrolling will be started. | S | |
GameCursors | t_links to Cursor (parent) | All cursors of the game. | V | |
GameCutsceneAction | t_link to Action | If a cutscene is active this links to the action which started (and should stop) the cutscene. | S | |
GameDescription | t_string | Short description of the game. | V | |
GameDestinationCommand | t_link to Button | When the user clicked on an object and the character walks to this object, this command will be executed when the object is reached. | S | |
GameDestinationEvent | t_int | When the user clicked on an object and the character walks to this object, this event will be executed when the object is reached: '0': no event. | S | |
GameDestinationItem | t_link to Object | When the user clicked on an object and the character walks to this object, this item will be used on the object when it is reached. | S | |
GameDestinationItemPicked | t_bool | When the user clicked on an object and the character walks to this object, this will be set to true in case an item was picked up (see GameDragableObjects). Then the item in GameDestinationItem will be dropped on the object when it is reached. | S | |
GameDialog | t_link to Dialog | Currently displayed dialog. | S | |
GameDialogAction | t_link to Action | Running action which contains the text for the current dialog. | S | |
GameDraggableItems | t_bool | True if objects can be dragged from the interface. | V/S | |
GameDrawActionText | t_int | Defines if and where the action text is drawn: '0' (eDrawNoActionText): do not draw action text. | V/S | |
GameExecuteActionsDuringDialog | t_bool | If true the game actions GameActions (activated by a key) will also be executed if a dialog is currently displayed. | V/S | |
GameFadeDelay | t_int | Delay in milli seconds for fade in/out of a scene. | V/S | |
GameFadeEffect | t_int | Effect for fade in/out of a scene. '0' (eFadeNo): no effect. display new scene immediately. | V/S | |
GameFirstCharacter | t_link to Character | Character which is used for starting the game. This is the character which is controlled by the player. | V | |
GameFirstScene | t_link to Scene | The first scene of the game (which is shown after the loading screen) | V | |
GameFontLinks | t_links to Font (parent) | All fonts of the game. | V | |
GameFullScreenIntro | t_bool | True if the intro movie is scaled to fullscreen. | V | |
GameGameComposedFile | t_path | Defines the filename for composing the game object and its actions (e.g. left mouse button action, right mouse button action) when compiling the game. | V | |
GameGameComposedFiles | t_int | The number of composed game files: '0' (eMainContainer): The game object is stored in the main container. | V | |
GameGameName | t_string | The game name is used for the path where the savegames are stored. E.g. on an English Windows Vista the path could look like this: C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local\<CompanyName>\<GameName>\Savegames. If no company name or game name is specified the savegames are stored in the directory below the ved-file directory. | V | |
GameHiddenDialog | t_link to Dialog | If the user switches to a menu while a dialog is currently shown in a playable scene (e.g. the dialog parts are displayed) - this is only possible if GameExecuteActionsDuringDialog is true - then the dialog is saved in this field. The dialog is hidden until the user switches back to a playable scene. | V/S | |
GameHoldTime | t_int | Time in milli seconds until the event 'Mouse holding' (for GameLeftHoldAction and GameLeftHoldingAction) is fired. | V/S | |
GameHorizontalScrollDistance | t_int | If the distance of the current character to the horizontal scene border is equal or smaller than this value then the scene will be scrolled horizontal to center the character (if the scene is larger than the viewable area). If this value is very small the character has to go very close to the border until the scene is scrolled, if the value is half the viewable size or larger then the character will always be centered. | S | |
GameId | t_string | Unique Identification number. Used for savegames in order to only load savegames for correct game. | V | |
GameInterfaces | t_links to Interface (parent) | All interfaces of the game. | V | |
GameInterfaceClasses | t_links to InterfaceClass (parent) | All interface classes of the game. | V | |
GameInterfaceComposedFile | t_path | Defines the filename for composing the interface when compiling the game. | V | |
GameInterfaceComposedFiles | t_int | The number of composed interface files: '0' (eMainContainer): All interfaces are stored in the main container. | ||
GameIntro | t_path | Intro movie which will be played at the beginning of the game. | V | |
GameItems | t_links to Object (parent) | All items of the game. | V | |
GameLanguages | t_links to Language (parent) | All languages of the game. | V | |
GameLeftClickAction | t_link to Action (parent) | An action which will be started if the left mouse button is clicked. | V | |
GameLeftDblClickAction | t_link to Action (parent) | An action which will be started if the left mouse button is double clicked. | V | |
GameLeftHoldAction | t_link to Action (parent) | Action which is started if the left mouse button is pressed for a certain time (GameHoldTime) and GameLeftMouseHold is set to '3' or '4'. The action is started when the mouse button is released. | V | |
GameLeftHoldingAction | t_link to Action (parent) | Action which is started if the left mouse button is pressed for a certain time (GameHoldTime) and GameLeftMouseHolding is set to '3'. The action is started when the mouse button is pressed. | V | |
GameLeftHoldBehaviour | t_int | Defines if the character will be sent to the current position when the left button is released. '0' (eMouseActionBehaviourDoNotSendCharacter): The character will not be send to the current position. | V/S | |
GameLeftMouseHold | t_int | Defines what the event 'left mouse button hold' is used for when the button is released. '0' (eIndividualAction): used for individual actions. | V/S | |
GameLeftMouseHolding | t_int | Defines what the event 'left mouse button hold' is used for when the button is pressed. '0' (eIndividualAction): used for individual actions. | V/S | |
GameLoading | t_link to Loading (parent) | The loading screen. (is shown on startup when the game is loaded) | V | |
GameMinificationFilter | t_int | Filter for minification of textures (scaling of character images). '0': Linear interpolation. | V | |
GameMagnificationFilter | t_int | Filter for magnification of textures (scaling of character images). '0' (eLinearInterpolation): Linear interpolation. | V | |
GameMiddleClickAction | t_link | An action which will be started if the middle mouse button is clicked. | V | |
GameMiddleClickBehaviour | t_int | Defines if the character will be sent to the current position when the middle mouse button is clicked. '0' (eMouseActionBehaviourDoNotSendCharacter): The character will not be send to the current position. | V/S | |
GameMouseWheelDownAction | t_link | An action which will be started if the mouse wheel is moved down. | V | |
GameMouseWheelUpAction | t_link | An action which will be started if the mouse wheel is moved up. | V | |
GameMovieComposedFile | t_path | Defines the filename for composing the movies when compiling the game. | V | |
GameMovieComposedFiles | t_int | The number of composed movie files: '0' (eMainContainer): All movies are stored in the main container. | V | |
GameObjectFont | t_link to Font | The font used when displaying an object text. An object text can be set with an action part which links a text to a scene object or an interface button. | V | |
GameParticleContainerLinks | t_links to ParticleContainer (parent) | All particle systems of the game. | V | |
GamePicBufferSize | t_int | Buffer size (in KB) for reserved memory at game startup. This buffer is used for all non-preloaded images and should be large enough to hold the largest image, otherwise memory must be allocated dynamically which can lead to memory fragmentation and crash the application. E.g. if the largest image is 1400x1200 and has an alpha channel then GamePicBufferSize must be set to a value >= 6563 (4 byte per pixel (red,green,blue and alpha channel), 1400 * 1200 * 4 = 6720000, divided by 1024 because unit is KB and not byte, 6720000 / 1024 = 6562.5). | V | |
GamePictureCacheSize | t_int | Size in MB for cache which stores the recently loaded images. | V | |
GamePreloadPicThreads | t_int | Number of threads used for preloading animations. GamePreloadPicThreads number of buffers with size of GamePreloadedPicBufferSize will be preallocated. | V | |
GamePreloadedPicBufferSize | t_int | Buffer size (in KB) for reserved memory at game startup. This buffer is used for preloading images and should be large enough to hold the largest image (of a preloaded animation), otherwise memory must be allocated dynamically which can lead to memory fragmentation and crash the application. E.g. if the largest image of all preloaded animations is 1400x1200 and has an alpha channel then GamePreloadedPicBufferSize must be set to a value >= 6563 (4 byte per pixel (red,green,blue and alpha channel), 1400 * 1200 * 4 = 6720000, divided by 1024 because unit is KB and not byte, 6720000 / 1024 = 6562.5). | V | |
GameQuake | t_bool | If true a quake constantly moves the screen. The values GameQuakeForce and GameQuakeSpeed are used as parameters for the quake. | S | |
GameQuakeForce | t_int | Number of maximum pixels the screen is moved by a quake. Value is only used if GameQuake is true. | S | |
GameQuakeSpeed | t_int | Defines how long (in milli seconds) a moved screen is shown at the same position. A higher value results in a slower quake because the same screen is shown longer. Value is only used if GameQuake is true. | S | |
GameRegisteredEventHandlers | t_string | All registered event handlers. | S | |
GameReserved | t_string | Licence number. | V | |
GameRightClickAction | t_link to Action (parent) | Action which is started if the right mouse button is pressed and GameRightMouseClick is set to '3' or '4'. | V | |
GameRightClickBehaviour | t_int | Defines if the character will be sent to the current position when the right mouse button is clicked. '0' (eMouseActionBehaviourDoNotSendCharacter): The character will not be send to the current position. | V/S | |
GameRightMouseClick | t_int | Defines what the right mouse button is used for. '0' (eIndividualAction): used for individual actions. | V/S | |
GameSavedObject | t_link to Object | Saved object. An action can be executed on this saved object. (see actionpart 'Execute command on saved object') | S | |
GameSaveGameName | t_string | Used to store name of current savegame. | V | |
GameSavegameScreenshot | t_path | Image used as savegame screenshot for all scenes when game is played on a mobile device. | V | |
GameSceneComposedFile | t_path | Defines the filename for composing the scenes when compiling the game. | V | |
GameSceneComposedFiles | t_int | The number of composed scene files: '0' (eMainContainer): All scenes are stored in the main container. | V | |
GameSceneLinks | t_links to Scene (parent) | All scenes of the game. | V | |
GameScriptLinks | t_links to Script (parent) | All scripts of the game. | V | |
GameScrollCenterCharacter | t_bool | If true the scroll-character (see GameScrollCharacter) will be centered on the scene (if GameScrollTo is false). If false then no character will be centered. | S | |
GameScrollCharacter | t_link to Character | Character which will be centered on the current scene (if GameScrollCenterCharacter is true and GameScrollTo is false). | S | |
GameScrollDirectionHorizontal | t_int | Horizontal direction the scene is currently scrolling. '0': currently no horizontal scrolling. | S | |
GameScrollDirectionVertical | t_int | Vertical direction the scene is currently scrolling. '0': currently no vertical scrolling. | S | |
GameScrollPosition | t_point | Upper left corner of current scroll position (on current scene). | S | |
GameScrollSpeed | t_int | Number of pixels which will be scrolled in one second. | V/S | |
GameScrollToPoint | t_point | Upper left corner the current scene is scrolling to. | S | |
GameScrollTo | t_bool | If true the scene is currently scrolling to GameScrollToPoint. | S | |
GameShaderExclude | t_int | Defines which components (scene, interfaces, texts, cursor) will be excluded from shader programs. '0' (eShaderExcludeNothing): standard, exclude nothing. | S | |
GameShowBlackScreenAfterVideo | t_bool | If true a black screen will be shown after the video is finished (until the next game scene is ready and all images are loaded). Otherwise the last frame of the video is shown until the game is continued. | V/S | |
GameSpeakerSoundPanFactor | t_int | Speech output balance in %. Defines if the speech output is played on left/right speaker depending on the character position. If set to 0% the speech output will be played equally on left and right speaker. If set to 100% the output volume on left/right speaker completely depends on the position of the character on the current scene. | V/S | |
GameSpeakerTextAlignment | t_int | Defines alignment of speaker text: '0' (eAlignLeft): Align left. | V/S | |
GameSpeechLanguage | t_link to Language | Defines the language which is used for speech output. If empty the language from GameStandardLanguage will be used. | S | |
GameStandardLanguage | t_link to Language | Defines the currently used language. | V/S | |
GameStartAction | t_link to Action (parent) | This action will be executed once at the beginning of the game (after the game was loaded). | V | |
GameTextAlignment | t_int | Defines alignment of spoken text: '0' (eAlignLeft): Align left. | V/S | |
GameTextOutput | t_int | Defines if spoken texts should be printed and/or spoken: '0' (eTextAndSpeechOutput): Display text and play speech file. | S | |
GameTextSpeed | t_int | Speed for displaying texts (in %). Default is 100. | S | |
GameUsedItem | t_link to Object | The currently picked up item. A picked up item is either dragged (shown instead of cursor) or displayed in the action text. | S | |
GameVersion | t_string | Version number of the game. | V | |
GameVerticalScrollDistance | t_int | If the distance of the current character to the vertical scene border is equal or smaller than this value then the scene will be scrolled vertical to center the character (if the scene is larger than the viewable area). If this value is very small the character has to go very close to the border until the scene is scrolled, if the value is half the viewable size or larger then the character will always be centered. | S | |
GameVideosEncrypted | t_bool | If true the videos are stored in an encrypted container. This field is only relevant for compiled games. | V | |
GameWindowResolution | t_point | Screen resolution (e.g. 640x480). | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
InterfaceActionTextFont | t_link to Font | Font which will be used for the action text - only used if InterfaceDrawActionText is true. | V | |
InterfaceActionTextRect | t_rect | Rectangle in which the action text will be drawn horizontally and vertically centered - only used if InterfaceDrawActionText is true. | V | |
InterfaceBorder | t_vpoint | Polygon which defines the border of the interface. The interface is detected if the cursor is inside the polygon. | V | |
InterfaceButtons | t_links to Button (parent) | All buttons of the interface: commands, arrows to scroll items, action areas, placeholder for items | V | |
InterfaceClass | t_link to InterfaceClass | The class this interface belongs to. | V | |
InterfaceConditions | t_links to Condition (parent) | The conditions of the interface. | V | |
InterfaceDestVisibility | t_int | The visibility of the interface (and all of its buttons) is fading to the visibility defined by this value. Must be between '0' and '100'. '0' means the interface will not be visible at all (but is still recognized by the cursor), '100' means the interface will be completely visible (default). The time to fade from the current visibility to InterfaceDestVisibility is defined by InterfaceTimeToDestVisibility. | S | |
InterfaceDisplacement | t_int | Defines where the interface is shown: '0': top. | V/S | |
InterfaceDrawActionText | t_bool | Defines if the action text is drawn on this interface (if true than InterfaceActionTextFont and InterfaceActionTextRect must be set). | V | |
InterfaceLeaveAction | t_link to Action (parent) | Action which will be executed if the cursor leaves the interface (outside of polygon InterfaceBorder). | V | |
InterfaceOffset | t_point | Offset (or absolute position) for displaying the interface. (only used if InterfaceDisplacement is '4' or '5') | V/S | |
InterfacePosition | t_point | Absolute position of upper left corner of interface. | V/S | |
InterfaceScrollStepSize | t_int | Defines how many item positions will be scrolled if a scroll arrow is pushed. | V | |
InterfaceSize | t_int | Defines the size of the interface (in pixel). Is needed if part of the interface is drawn into the scene (e.g. flowers on top of the interface) and the interface is aligned to the border. Is only used if > '0' and InterfaceDisplacement is '0', '1', '2' or '3'. | V/S | |
InterfaceSprite | t_sprite | Background sprite of the interface. | V | |
InterfaceStandardCommand | t_link to Button | Button which is the standard command (usually 'Walk to') for this interface. | V | |
InterfaceTimeToDestVisibility | t_int | Defines the time in milli seconds until the visibility InterfaceDestVisibility is reached. This value is used the next time when InterfaceDestVisibility is set. | S | |
InterfaceValues | t_links to Values (parent) | The values of the interface. | V | |
InterfaceVisibility | t_int | Visibility of the interface (and all of its buttons) in %. Must be between '0' and '100'. '0' means the interface is not visible at all, '100' means the interface is completely visible (default). Note that the interface can only be visible if InterfaceActive and InterfaceVisible are true. | S | |
InterfaceVisible | t_bool | If true the interface is visible - supposed the visibility is > 0% (see InterfaceVisibility). This option can be used to toggle the interface on/off without changing InterfaceVisibility. | V/S |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
InterfaceClassName | t_string | Interface class name. The name of the object itself will be set to the translated class name. | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
- | - | Language name is defined by name of each language object. |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
LoadingMusic | t_path | Music which is played while the loading screen is shown. | V | |
LoadingSprite | t_sprite | Background sprite of the loading screen. | V | |
LoadingStatusCover | t_bool | If false the status sprite will grow (from zero width to full width), if true the status sprite will shrink (from full width to zero width). | V | |
LoadingStatusSprite | t_sprite | Sprite for progress bar. | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
ObjectActions | t_links to Action (parent) | All actions of the object. ActionExecutionType defines when the action is started. | V | |
ObjectAnimation | t_link to Animation | Animation which is automatically started if this object is active (see ObjectCondition). | V | |
ObjectAnimations | t_links to Animation (parent) | All animations of the object. | V | |
ObjectCenter | t_int | Defines the line number (y coordinate) which decides if a character is in front or behind this object. | V | |
ObjectCondition | t_link to Condition | If ObjectCondition is not empty then the object is only shown and detected by the cursor if the conidition is true (or the condition is false and ConditionConditionNegate is true). | V | |
ObjectConditionNegate | t_bool | falls dieser Wert wahr ist, wird VObjectCondition vor der Auswertung negiert; dadurch wird der unnötige Aufwand für eine zusammengesetzte Bedingung mit nur einem Ast vermieden | V | |
ObjectConditions | t_links to Condition (parent) | If true then the condition ButtonCondition is negated. (see ButtonCondition) | V | |
ObjectDestVisibility | t_int | The visibility of the object is fading to the visibility defined by this value. Must be between '0' and '100'. '0' means the object will not be visible at all (but is still recognized by the cursor), '100' means the object will be completely visible (default). The time to fade from the current visibility to ObjectDestVisibility is defined by ObjectTimeToDestVisibility. | S | |
ObjectDirection | t_int | Direction in degrees which a character is aligned if it reaches this object (ObjectPosition). | V | |
ObjectIsItem | t_bool | If true then this object is an item, otherwise it is a scene object. | V | |
ObjectIsWalkable | t_bool | If true then then no action can be executed on this object with the standard command (see InterfaceStandardCommand). | V | |
ObjectName | t_link to Text (parent) | The name of the object (as shown in the action text). | V | |
ObjectOffset | t_point | Offset for this object from its initial position. By changing the offset it is possible to move the object on a scene. The object image and all object animations will take the offset into account. Detecting an object (ObjectPolygon) by the cursor also considers the offset. | S | |
ObjectParticleSystem | t_link to ParticleSystem | Particle system which is shown if the object is active (see ObjectCondition). | V | |
ObjectPolygon | t_vpoint | Polygon which defines the border of the object. The object is detected if the cursor is inside the polygon. | V | |
ObjectPosition | t_point | Position of the object on the scene (only used if ObjectIsItem is false). If the user clicked on this object then the current character walks to this position. | V | |
ObjectRotation | t_float | Rotation for this object in radians (full rotation 2 pi, radian = degree * 180 / pi). The object image and all object animations will take the rotation into account. | S | |
ObjectRotationCenter | t_point | Coordinates (on screen) which define the center for object rotation (see ObjectRotation). If set to -1,-1 (default) the image center is used as rotation center. | S | |
ObjectScale | t_float | Defines scaling factor for this object. 1.0 means 100% (original size), 2.0 would be double size and 0.5 half size. The object image and all object animations will take the scaling into account. | S | |
ObjectScrollFactorX | t_int | Horizontal scrolling-speed of this object in percent of screen's scrolling-speed (in %). If '100' then the object scrolls with same speed as the screen itself, otherwise it scrolls faster (> '100'), slower (< '100') or not at all (0). | V | |
ObjectScrollFactorY | t_int | Vertical scrolling-speed of this object in percent of screen's scrolling-speed (in %). If '100' then the object scrolls with same speed as the screen itself, otherwise it scrolls faster (> '100'), slower (< '100') or not at all (0). | V | |
ObjectShaderSet | t_int | sets shader configuration id for an object and all of its animations, see shaderSetOptions command. | S | |
ObjectSnoopAnimation | t_link to Animation | Animation which is shown when the snoop animation are active. The animation is only shown if the object is currently active (see ObjectCondition). The snoop animations can be activated with an action part. | V | |
ObjectSnoopAnimationPos | t_point | Absolute position of the snoop animation (seeObjectSnoopAnimation) on the scene. | V | |
ObjectSprite | t_link to Sprite (parent) | Sprite which is shown if the object is active (see ObjectCondition). | V | |
ObjectTimeToDestVisibility | t_int | Defines the time in milli seconds until the visibility ObjectDestVisibility is reached. This value is used the next time when ObjectDestVisibility is set. | S | |
ObjectValues | t_links to Value (parent) | All values of the object. | V | |
ObjectVisibility | t_int | Visibility of the object in %. Must be between '0' and '100'. '0' means the object is not visible at all (but is still recognized by the cursor), '100' means the object is completely visible (default). | S |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
OutfitAmbientLightColor (v4.0) | t_int | The ambient light color can be used to shade a 3D model with a basic color to adapt it to the lighting conditions in the surrounding scene. | V/S | |
OutfitCameraAngle (v4.0) | t_float | This field sets the angle in degrees from which the camera shows each individual 3D model. By default, each model is shown from the front (0°), but the value range allows a model to be viewed from directly above (90°) or below (-90°). | V/S | |
OutfitCameraHeight (v4.0) | t_float | This field indicates the height of the camera relative to its 3D model. By default, the camera focuses on the center of the model, but the value range allows the camera to focus on the top (100 %) or bottom (-100 %) of the model. | V/S | |
OutfitCharacterAnimations | t_links to Animation (parent) | Person animations, must be started manually. | V | |
OutfitCharacterSpeed | t_int | Speed of character with this outfit (in pixel per second). | V/S | |
OutfitLightColor | t_int | The color (RGB, 1 byte per channel) of the direct light source used to shade a 3D model. | V/S | |
OutfitLightPosX (v4.0) | t_float | The first coordinate of the light source used to directly light 3D models. The model itself is positioned at the origin. The light position does not influence the position of shadows. | V/S | |
OutfitLightPosY (v4.0) | t_float | The second coordinate of the light source used to directly light 3D models. The model itself is positioned at the origin. The light position does not influence the position of shadows. | V/S | |
OutfitLightPosZ (v4.0) | t_float | The third coordinate of the light source used to directly light 3D models. The model itself is positioned at the origin. The light position does not influence the position of shadows. | V/S | |
OutfitModel (v4.0) | t_path | Path to the 3D model file used for the outfit. | V | |
OutfitModelAmbientOcclusion (v4.0) | t_int | This field controls the intensity of self-shadowing of a 3D model in percent using ambient occlusion. A value of 0 deactivates ambient occlusion. | V | |
OutfitModelOutlineColor (v4.0) | t_int | The color used for the contours of 3D models. | V/S | |
OutfitModelOutlineWidth (v4.0) | t_int | The width of contours of 3D models. | V/S | |
OutfitModelScaleFactor (v4.0) | t_int | The size of the displayed 3D model in percent. This field can be used to finetune the size or a model in the scene without changing the 3D model file. | V/S | |
OutfitModelShadow (v4.0) | t_int | Indicates what type of shadow a 3D model casts. This can be either a simple blob shadow (1) or a realistic projected shadow (2). The value 0 disables shadows. Shadows are always cast straight downwards. | V | |
OutfitModelShadowVisibility (v4.0) | t_int | This field controls the visibility of the shadow of a 3D model in percent. A value of 0 deactivates shadows. | V | |
OutfitModelShowOutline (v4.0) | t_bool | This flag indicates whether outlines of a 3D model are drawn. | V/S | |
OutfitModelTextures (v4.0) | t_vpath | This field contains a list of texture paths used to draw a 3D model. This can be used to override the texture information stored in the 3D model file. | V | |
OutfitModelToonNuances (v4.0) | t_int | Number of nuances of brightness used for toon shading. Using a relatively low number (2-5) creates more cartoon-like lighting of a 3D model. | V/S | |
OutfitModelUseToonShading (v4.0) | t_bool | This flag indicates whether toon shading is used for a 3D model. The alternative is realistic shading. | V/S | |
OutfitRandomAnimations | t_links to Animation (parent) | For playable characters: (characters with an interface): Animations are shown if the user did not interact for a longer random time span (between OutfitRandomMinTime and OutfitRandomMaxTime milli seconds). | V | |
OutfitRandomMinTime | t_int | Minimum time in milli seconds until a random animation (see OutfitRandomAnimations) is started. | V | |
OutfitRandomMaxTime | t_int | Maximum time in milli seconds until a random animation (see OutfitRandomAnimations) is started. | V | |
OutfitSlideWalkAnimation | t_bool | If true the character position will be updated continuously during walking, otherwise the position will only be updated if a new frame of the walk animation is shown. | V/S | |
OutfitStandingAnimations | t_links to Animation (parent) | Standing animations, shown when person is standing. | V | |
OutfitTalkAnimations | t_links to Animation (parent) | Talk animations. | V | |
OutfitWalkAnimations | t_links to Animation (parent) | Walk animations. | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
ParticleContainerCameraZoom | t_float | Zoom factor. | V | |
ParticleContainerCameraZPosition | t_float | Z-Position of 'camera' for showing particle system. | V | |
ParticleContainerLeadTime | t_links to Particles (parent) | All particle emitters of this particle system. | V | |
ParticleContainerParticles | t_links to Particles (parent) | All particle emitters of this particle system. | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
ParticleActiveStages | t_int | - | V | |
ParticleBlendColor0 | t_int | - | V | |
ParticleBlendColor1 | t_int | - | V | |
ParticleBlendColor2 | t_int | - | V | |
ParticleBlendColor3 | t_int | - | V | |
ParticleBlendColorCurve0 | t_vfloat | - | V | |
ParticleBlendColorCurve1 | t_vfloat | - | V | |
ParticleBlendColorCurve2 | t_vfloat | - | V | |
ParticleBlendColorCurve3 | t_vfloat | - | V | |
ParticleBlendMaxTile | t_int | - | V | |
ParticleBlendSizeCurve | t_vfloat | - | V | |
ParticleBlendTilesControlPoints | t_vint | - | V | |
ParticleBlendTilesCurve | t_vfloat | - | V | |
ParticleCameraZPos | t_float | Distance of the 'camera' to the z-layer. | V | |
ParticleCameraZoom | t_float | Focal width of 'camera'. | V | |
ParticleColorControlPoints0 | t_vint | - | V | |
ParticleColorControlPoints1 | t_vint | - | V | |
ParticleColorControlPoints2 | t_vint | - | V | |
ParticleColorControlPoints3 | t_vint | - | V | |
ParticleEmitterSizeX | t_int | Width of particle emitter space. | V | |
ParticleEmitterSizeY | t_int | Height of particle emitter space. | V | |
ParticleEmitterSizeZ | t_int | Depth of particle emitter space. | V | |
ParticleEmitterType | t_int | Defines where the particles emit. '1': particles emit from one point in space (see ParticleXPos and ParticleYPos). | V | |
ParticleForceBlend | t_float | - | V | |
ParticleForceRotationX | t_int | - | V | |
ParticleForceRotationZ | t_int | - | V | |
ParticleForceStrength | t_float | Strength of force which affects all particles. | V | |
ParticleForceType | t_int | Type of force. Possible values are: '0': directional. | V | |
ParticleForceXPos | t_float | - | V | |
ParticleForceYPos | t_float | - | V | |
ParticleForceZPos | t_float | - | V | |
ParticleLeadTime | t_int | Number of seconds the particle system is preplayed before it is displayed for the first time. | V | |
ParticleMaterialMode | t_int | - | V | |
ParticleMaxColor | t_int | The color of a particle will be between the colors ParticleMinColor and ParticleMaxColor. | V | |
ParticleMaxLife | t_int | Maximum lifetime of a particle. | V | |
ParticleMaxParticle | t_int | Maximum number of particles (there may be less particles visible depending on creation and lifetime parameters). | V | |
ParticleMaxSize | t_float | Maximum size of a particle. | V | |
ParticleMaxVelocity | t_float | Maximum velocity of a particle. | V | |
ParticleMinColor | t_int | The color of a particle will be between the colors ParticleMinColor and ParticleMaxColor. | V | |
ParticleMinLife | t_int | Minimum lifetime of a particle. | V | |
ParticleMinSize | t_float | Minimum size of a particle. | V | |
ParticleMinVelocity | t_float | Minimum velocity of a particle. | V | |
ParticlePerTime | t_float | New particles per time (with ~66 time units per second). | V | |
ParticlePhiX | t_int | Opening angle about the X-axis. | V | |
ParticlePhiY | t_int | Opening angle about the Z-axis. | V | |
ParticlePosX | t_int | X Position of particle emitter (in pixel coordinates). | V | |
ParticlePosY | t_int | Y Position of particle emitter (in pixel coordinates). | V | |
ParticleRotationX | t_int | - | V | |
ParticleRotationZ | t_int | - | V | |
ParticleSizeControlPoints | t_vint | - | V | |
ParticleTexture | t_path | Sprite used for all particles. | V | |
ParticleTilesX | t_int | - | V | |
ParticleTilesY | t_int | - | V | |
ParticleType | t_int | - | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
PointPosition | t_point | Position on the scene. | V | |
PointRelations | t_links to Point | Links to connected points for way system. | V | |
PointSize | t_int | Size for character on this point (in %). | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
SceneActions | t_links to Actions (parent) | All actions of the scene. These actions can only be started by another action. | V | |
SceneActionAreas | t_links to ActionArea (parent) | All action areas of the scene (areas which contain actions that are executed if a character enters or leaves the area). | V | |
SceneBackgroundMusic | t_path | Background music which is played in a loop. | V/S | |
SceneBrightness | t_int | Defines the overall brightness of the scene (in %). Must be between '0' and '100'. '0' means this scene (with all its objects and characters) is completely dark (so everything is black), '100' means that everything is drawn with its original brightness (default). | S | |
SceneConditions | t_links to Condition (parent) | All conditions of the scene. | V | |
SceneContinueMusic | t_bool | If true then the background music from the last scene is continued instead of playing the background music of this scene (SceneBackgroundMusic). | V | |
SceneCurrentWaySystem | t_link to WaySystem | Currently used way system (only relevant if SceneIsMenu is false). | V/S | |
SceneCursor | t_link to Cursor | Cursor which is displayed on this scene (only used if SceneIsMenu is true). | V | |
SceneLightMap | t_path | Sprite which is used as a lightmap for the scene. The lightmap defines how the characters are shaded on different positions on the scene. | V/S | |
SceneIsMenu | t_bool | If true then this scene is a menu (for savegames, options, etc.) otherwise it is a playable scene (where characters can move, etc.). | V | |
SceneMusicBalance | t_int | Balance of the background music (SceneBackgroundMusic). Must be between '-100' (only left speaker) and '100' (only right speaker). | V/S | |
SceneMusicVolume | t_int | Volume of the background music (SceneBackgroundMusic). Must be between '0' (mute) and '100' (full volume). | V/S | |
SceneName | t_link to Text (parent) | The name of the scene (used for name in savegames). | V | |
SceneObjects | t_links to Object (parent) | All objects of the scene. | V | |
SceneParticleSystem | t_link to ParticleContainer | Particle system of the scene which is always shown. | V | |
SceneSavegameAreas | t_vrect | All areas where savegame screenshots are shown. A savegame can be selected by clicking inside an area. | V | |
SceneSavegameFont | t_link to Font | Font which is used for the name of the savegame. | V | |
SceneSavegameScreenshot | t_path | Image used as savegame screenshot for this scene when game is played on a mobile device. | V | |
SceneSavegameScrollStep | t_int | Defines how many savegame positions will be scrolled if the savegames are scrolled with an actionpart. | V | |
SceneScrollableArea | t_rect | Usually the scene can be scrolled to the edge in each direction. This area can limit the scrolling in each direction so the scene can not be scrolled to the edge. | V/S | |
SceneScrollOnEdges | t_bool | If true then the scene will be scrolled if the cursor is on the screen edge. | V/S | |
SceneSprite | t_sprite | Background sprite of the scene. | V | |
SceneValues | t_links to Value (parent) | All values of the scene. | V | |
SceneWaySystems | t_links to WaySystem (parent) | All way systems of the scene. | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
ScriptScript | t_string | Script content. | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
SpriteSprite | t_sprite | - | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
TextTextLanguages | t_vtext | Language dependent texts for this text entry. | V |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
ValueInt | t_int | The current integer value. | V/S | |
ValueRandom | t_bool | If true then the value (ValueInt) will be set to a random value (between ValueRandomMin and ValueRandomMax) at the beginning of the game. | V | |
ValueRandomMax | t_int | Upper bound for random value (see ValueRandom). | V | |
ValueRandomMin | t_int | Lower bound for random value (see ValueRandom). | V | |
ValueString | t_string | The current string value. | V/S |
Field | Type | Description | Scriptable | Storage |
WaySystemBorder | t_vpoint | Polygon which defines the wayborders of the scene. A character is only allowed to walk inside the wayborders. | V | |
WaySystemPoints | t_links to Point (parent) | Waypoints of the scene which store the character size. The waypoints are connected to each other to define where a character can walk. | V |