haha. Technically you could use less if you write a function. Then all you would need to do is write one line of code inside of an execute a script action to trigger the relevant interface movement. The only issue with my example is that the interface has to be in the exact positions you specify for it to trigger, which might not be so good if you plan on using a mouse enter / leaves type of approach, but it will work fine with mouse wheel, button or a keyboard shortcut.
If you wanted to use mouse enters / leaves then it would be more ideal to check the current position & do a bit of calculation to get the delay value required to keep the interface sliding in / out at a constant rate. Let's say the interface has already slid out by 50% & then you move the mouse out & then back over it, it would still be using the same delay value you initially set, which would make it slide out a lot slower than it's supposed to slide out. I believe I actually wrote something to calculate the percentages in one of the sliding scripts I previously wrote.
Luckily for me, I'm not using the mouse enter / leaves method, so I got away with only a few lines of code.