@AFLRme Quite a lot I imagine!
The script I'm talking about is the one you modified from einzelkaempfer.
You published it but never gave the .ved that showed what entries you had to make in Vis to make it work.
I know for someone with a bit of knowledge it would have been obvious, but I'm a special kind of stupid!
So I went and dig up the "original" script from einzelkaempfer which came with a .ved. Comparing your two scripts and the differents entries in his .Ved ; I managed to (finaly) understand the whole thing... Or at least enough of it in order to make it work !
Again nothing big, but it was litteraly my first Scripting involved experience !
Felt like some kind of Indiana Holmes !
I even went the extra mile of creating a bit of script myself for a mute buttons !
@Sebastian.204 I did not, and definitly should !
I'll keep you updated !
And your kind comment will be passed down to the artist