Hi everyone.
This is not a vital problem for our game, more of a free thinking idea, and I was wondering what you guys might imagine:
Ok, here is the theory :
You move your cursor to an item area, that changes the item to have a glowy border around it.
Basicly you just change a condition and show a new image that goes on top of your item. easy peasy.
But what if you want to do the same with an animation ?
You would need two sets of animations, one with your object/character in 'un-selected' mode, and one set of animations that would have the glowy boreder. Again, fairly simple. But in order for the trick to be as beautifull as possible, We need a way to make sure that when we mouse over the item/character, the glowy animations starts where the standard one left. same thing when we leave the object/character area.
to put it simply, if we have two sets of 4 frames animations (named 1,2,3,4 and 1g(for glowy), 2g, 3g and 4g.
if the character is at frame 3 when we mouse over, we want 3g to be the starting point of our new loop.
I'm not really good at creating scripts yet (I manage to read it, decode it and modify it ... with time) , So I can't really give you a backbone to chew on right now. (will do though when I got the time)
But I think a good way would be to use the "SetAnimFrames" script found
https://wiki.visionaire-tracker.net/wiki/SetAnimFrames_(CMS) to set the new animation cycle.
But I did not found on the wiki a way to check wich frame is playing on an animation at a given moment.
Any imput would be fantastic!