Does the log also print nothing when the action is "on mouse enter" and an item is at your cursor?
By the way i think it isn't neccessary for you to get that item anyway
Just create for each possible item a "dropped item" action which checks the desired item. For each item you can then set a value (lets call it "placed_item") from 0 to x
After that you call a further "called by another action" which you can create inside the object, too.
By that you dont have to repeat everything again for each item.
What we will do inside this action i will come to later.
Eat some slice of pizza
You have to create one animation inside the scene object which shows in each frame a different item graphic. (no moving animation. Just each frame a different item. We will move the animation later via lua )
Try to arrange the images inside each frame so that the center of them are above each other. Set the animation to infinite.
Place the animation inside the scene, so that the center of the item is on the table. To test out if every frame fits correctly on the table you can click the play button on the top right corner of the scene preview.
Now you have an animation with frame from 0-x and a value "placed_item" which gets set to 0-x depending what item is placed. Now we have to tie that together.
Go to the "called by another action" action you created before in the object and add an "execute a script" action part.
In it add
local itemgraphic = Values["placed_item"].Int
ActiveAnimations["myanimationname"].AnimationFirstFrame = itemgraphic
ActiveAnimations["myanimationname"].AnimationLastFrame = itemgraphic
Go to the petshop, buy a duck
After the "execute a script" action part add a "play animation" action part and select the before created animation.
Right now it should play the right frame depending on the item which was placed on the table.
Lets go and move that animation.
The next action part you add is again a "execute a script" type.
In it add:
ActiveAnimations["myanimationname"]:to(500, {VAnimationCurrentPosition = { x = destinationx, y = destinationy}})
Replace destinationx and destinationy with the desired values on the scene.
The 500 is the time it needs (500ms). You can also edit it
Watch all seasons of two and a half man.
I guess thats it. Didn't test i though because im on the way to work with the bus and typed all with my mobile phone...
Hope i didnt miss anything. If it doesn't work you may have not watched all episodes of two and a half man.
Kind regards