i know this does not have anything to do with the Visionaire Studio Software itself,
I think it has, because Visionaire has it's individual way how to make games. Unity may have others (sure it has).
For example its not that easy to change resolutions afterwards, so its better to make a good plan what you need and how big it should be. Scenes with action areas and objects couldn't enlarge on one mouse click. It's difficult to change your game resolution from 4:3 to 16:9 (maybe) later. Action parts and conditions (!) need a good preparation, because changings are long-drawn-out.
So you need a story first ( your start idea, your main plot), then you need a kind of story board: which scenes you need, how many main characters, where are they and - important - what should they do, because you have to create a lot of outfits and animations. What kind of riddles you want. How many hours the gamer should play? Do you need additional languages? What about voices, noises and music? And, most important - if you want to make funny or demanding dialogs - a script, to whom and how often the charakters talk. To think about every situation - dialogs change after a character has answered a question or after actions (better they should do).
Because Visionaire isn't based on graphic nodes to move free you will lose your target and whats going on. Believe me: you WILL without a good plan. There are submenues and submenues and submenues and all submenues depend on other conditions and submenues; and there are mostly global variables. You need a kind of decision tree (a very good one!), because: if the player founds a dead end - it's the dead of your game. I HATE games with dead ends because the developer didn't work properly and forgot something to check! EVERY gamer's decision must have a solution (or a way back, maybe).
I think the concept is the most important thing of an adventure game. Graphics and locations follow.
Sorry, but I hate to write in English, its very difficult to say what I want to say... It takes some hours...
Good luck in any case!