I'm experiencing a weird behavior with lightmap when I do the build of the game.
The problem is this: All the objects in the lightmap influence appears in
black (Only in the builded game, not in the save and run option).
I have experience some other weird issues in the lightmap... I have erased the lightmap and the build doesn't change (still black) o_O and I have notice the lightmap crashes when Visionaire uses the autosave.
I have made some screenshots, so you can see the details (The screenshots are in black and white, I have no idea why

Image 1: My lightmap is a .jpg (though happens the same with .png) 5 times smaller than the size of the background of the game. In the first image you can see the configuration of the light map in Visionaire.
Image 2: When I run the game from the build, if I click new game, go through this action
Image 3: and loads the screen in this way
Image 4: but instead I go directly to the screen, the lightmap works correctly
I'm working with version 4.1, but also happens with the 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2.5
When I do a "save and run" from the editor everything works properly, the fault is in the build.
Image 5: This is the configuration of the build. You can see the bild properties.