in lua you could try
</div><div><span>char = game:getLink(VGameCurrentCharacter)</span></div><div><span>items = char:getLinks(VCharacterItems)</span></div><div><span>if items == nil then</span></div><div>... </div><div>end</div><div>
What's going on with the code block? Seems to be full of html elements.
@ Sebastian: There is actually an isEmpty() function.
function invEmpty()
if game.CurrentCharacter.CharacterItems:isEmpty() then
Conditions["inventory_empty"].ConditionValue = true
Conditions["inventory_empty"].ConditionValue = false
Create this (above) as a definition script. Create a condition called
inventory_empty. Now you could either have it check this in a loop constantly or you could run this function manually by calling it each time you execute an action part that causes an item to be added or removed from the inventory.
What are you needing this for, if you don't mind my asking?