So, the Wiki is the place to find all info a visionaire developer needs?
Again: Thank you very much, Lee.
Well, technically it
should be, though we have all been a bit neglectful of sorting out the documentation. A lot of stuff is still missing, just like the old wiki. Mostly I've focused on the scripting side of the engine as far as documentation is concerned. All the scripting documentation is done - far as I remember - & there's loads of script example myself & others have created (on script index page).
Scripting & Data Structure pages are what you need to learn how scripting works in Visionaire Studio. Scripting page explains about the different object table types, bit of history & examples on how to access/edit said object table types. The data structure page is a list of all the available visionaire object tables, with information & whether or not they are scriptable or read only - you have to take that with a pinch of salt though because some of the non-scriptable visionaire objects can be edited, it's just that the edited data won't get stored in the save game files or maybe it's because they don't take effect until the scene/character or whatever gets reloaded.