Ok finished it. I liked the animation video parts. Liara was talking like she was bored - actually the whole intro video made it sound like the characters didn't care about the impending Reaper invasion & that it was just your typical every day monday; or tuesday, or wednesday, or thursday - or any other day you can think of for that matter...
I wish you had voiced the regular game play parts too & added a bit of mass effect-esque ambient music fading in & out every so often as that part felt a little boring. Mostly because it was very quiet without the voice overs or any music.
In all honesty I would have preferred if the entire game was comprised of a choice based interactive visual novel (animated video in your case) like the ending part as that bit was a lot of fun.
Conclusion: if it was me, I would have done the entire thing as an interactive visual novel of sorts & allowed the player to progress what happens by selecting dialog choices & a or b location choices. The paragon/renegade stuff was amusing, but I would have mixed it up a bit by making it a timed choice so that player has limited time to choose one or a neutral choice would be automatically made. I would have also scattered a bit of ambient pad music in there too.
Anyway, overall decent job guys. Let's see how your fantasy game you are working on turns out.