I think you meant "isn't it funny"?
& I like off topic posts...
most often than not they are much more entertaining than posts that stay on topic.
for a laugh check out this word game we played on my old music forum ages ago...
http://alternatingfrequencies.com/2b4/index.php?topic=106.0the finished game story compiled into a single post can be found here:
http://alternatingfrequencies.com/2b4/index.php?topic=106.ms...it's very, very twisted; involves telly tubbies, dildos & jesus porn if I remember correctly

actually sod it - I'll paste it here - just had hysterics reading it again.
Once apon a time there was a dog - that licked its own balls until -
one day he dropped dead of - a massive tumor in both testicles -
which rendered his owner - helpless when disposing its carcass and -
then, to make things even worse - he telephoned Jesus to help him -
in return Jesus told the man to - bow down to him and perform oral sex -
to which the man replied "jesus christ!" - and Jesus had this smirk across His face -
so the man does what he has to - and Jesus came and all Heaven broke loose (LOL) -
Aye and Satan spawn (nutters) - came up to heaven to take over -
the universe by multiplying faster than the speed - of a Star Trek ship light-travelling -
while high as a kite on rocks. - So these spawns now descend upon Earth -
with ravenous gaping maws ajar covered in - the nastiest slime ever conceived by Man -
In turn whose nastiest habit involved eating - pussies with a dash of mustard -
and Branston pickle sauce with - a touch of the well-received Marmite -
Which Jimmy of course fucking loves it !!! (see his banner = lol) -
and for dessert they would induldge in - Golden nectar fresh from -
the virgin's cherry - as smooth and (wtf) hairless as - a young boys testicles -
and very small ones at that !!! (sicko wtf wtf wtf lmao) - and for supper they'd gobble up -
dog marinated in blood of young virgins with a touch of - pepper and a sprinkle of salt -
they also liked nothing better than to - to sink their filthy little teeth into -
Gordon Ramsey's - hairy buttocks and greasy - nipples while furiously tugging -
away, looking at pics of margret thatcher dressed in - a boobtube and miniskirt with -
crotchless panties which let out the stench from - her hairy bloody piss flaps which -
looked like a drooling bulldogs - and not to mention Jaspie's -
slimey lips. So one day these Spawns decided - to go about on a rampant -
in the middle of Israel - , ten of them suddenly see this crazy looking -
gigantic massive fucking TellyTubby™ - and decide to rape it - Tinky Winky cries -
"Get off me you cunts or I'll - ass-rape you and tear you a new one!" -
to which the ten spawns all simultaneously replied - "Get the fuck away from the children!" -
then out of nowhere the teletubby retaliates by - beating them to within an inch of their lives with -
a random John doe bums severed hand. - however, the hand wore away after only two -
goes, he grabbed the nearest heavy item which - was a gigantic black double ended rubber dildo -
smack after smack after smack and no - satisfaction could be had -
no matter how much he spanked - so using only his tummy TV thing he -
transported himself into the 6th dimension where he -
found female versions of himself. -
(I'm sure they're gender neutral & for fuck sake why'd he have a fucking handbag anyway !?)
feeling a little confused and strangely aroused - which really irked him as he had no -
self control at that particluar point in time - then suddenly, his antenna thingy began vibrating -
causing a violent explosion emminating from - his tinkie winkie, covering everything with -
gallons of creamy mushroom sauce ! - , the teletubby's female incarnation found this quite arousing -
and began rubbing the sauce into her furry - quicker she rubbed the louder she moaned until -
she came - across a humble tailor called Wilbur - who swept her off her feet and whisked -
her vigourously with eggs and sugar in a - crazed frenzy while simultaneously making some trousers for -
his missus - who happened to get off on - watchin hairy men scratch their -
best vinyls with knitting needles - so watching all this happen secretly a plumber -
grabbed his toolbox and pulled out his wrench - and whacked the teletubby right in the belly -
The end !? (wtf come on guys this is getting more ridiculous by the second !!!)