ahh you want to make it so the statue only turns/follows when outside of your characters field of vision?
hmm... you could do something like if character is over/under x percent or is in x action area & isn't facing x direction then statue follow else statue default position...
very quick & very vague idea...
but yes I know what you are wanting to do

for Lua: essentially we define 2 points & then we calculate them by characters position & then you combine queries based on percentage & character direction to determine what should happen. Quick note (we wouldn't use actual direction degreesº as they tend to vary a lot based on where you click mouse, instead you would use current character animation (character_walk_east or whatever)
P.S: if you plan on writing your forum posts in both German & English in the same thread, could you please set the forum post language as English as most German/German speakers have view English posts ticked in their settings but most non-German speakers (apart from a small minority of us) probably don't have show German posts enabled. Much appreciated, Cheers