Nigec, If you read my first post, you'll see that using inventory item was my first issue but i've fixed it !!!
I finnaly ended up using 3 commands and don't need to set cursor and command at the same time !!
1 ) walk / look / take-use (command by default) (3 cursors)
2) talk (enable via right click on object/character) (1 cursors)
3) take-use ( (enable via right click on object/character) (1 cursors)
my first command is the one i trigger to use item from the inventory...
it's basically always on the walk cursor when it's anywhere... i change the cursor to "look" when i hover object or character and to the "take-use" cursor when i hover an item placeholder in my inventory...
Now it's working perfectly...

AFRLme, I'll worry about iOS port later (maybe never !!!

)... i'm only testing this software on my freetime and don't plan to ever release my game or eventually as a freeware because i doubt i can ever finish a solid game and i'm using graphics i don't own...