There is, it's called compromise & optimization with specific targets in mind.
For example, you could use a default game resolution of 1280x720 (720p) & convert all of your images/animations to webp image format lossy 100% quality or less. Crop all backgrounds of images/animations. Create images/animations at 100% scale based on default game resolution - means don't create characters bigger than you intend them to be at 100% scale value. etc. etc.
There's lots of ways you can optimize your game projects, but I'm not going to list all the different methods that you can use or go in-depth about them as there's too many.
There's even an option when you export/build your game to convert to webp &/or scale the game up/down to a different resolution, but I highly recommend not using either of those options as they don't always work as intended, especially the option for scaling the default game resolution up or down.
here's an old guide I typed up ages ago with some tips on game optimization. It only covers some of the basics.