Thanks for the quick mac start fix

SimonS @madisongeronimo: I only get a crackling noise, this is fixed when I set the sampling rate to 44100, I'll make an update, but I need to wait for more bugs.
Yes, brutally loud for me, too...
Most player downloading now and exportiong works for me with every platform execpt iOS.
Then i deleted all platform files and also deleted their entries in the editors .ini file to have a clean start. Every platform should be "not available" again, but they were all marked as "will be downloaded" -execpt from iOS which was marked as not available.
Where do these come from? Did i miss something in my platform cleanup?

On that i started a wireshark trace to see whats going on in the network.
when building games with "will be downloaded" platforms i see packets going through , download gets started and all is good.
when building games for "not available" platforms i see nothing at all in the trace. So no network packets are even going through my network interface on my computer to IP .
SimonS The editor will crash like that if the target directory doesn't exist.
Could you make an exception for this before even the build/download process starts and notify the user? Would prevent some trouble in the future

AkcayKaraazmak And the rotation doesnt work, it immediately shows the other side of the character with out turning. Is it possible to fix it in script or its a bug?
Im not sure if this is only for your 3D chars if you still use them. In one project i build only one turn animation from left->right and it still works for me (normal 2D sprite character).
my 2 cents regarding the cangelog:
close buttons: thanks for adding them. allthough i dont like it how they are presented in the "properties" overlay for e.g. interface properties. The "x" looks very squeezed into that corner for me... If you used a graphic there maybe an outlining box for that x (separate graphic) should do the trick...
ifs are now closeable: Thanks again for that addition

The graphic for this should may be replaced by a better (theme fitting) one in the future though
scrollbar: click on the edge works: YISSS! good decision

text display errors fixed: Im not sure if this also included the mentioned text scroll bug where object texts get stuck by the displayed screen borders. In 4.X it was possible to show an object text on X/Y, it scrolled with the object as soon as you moved the screen by going to other places with the character or with the mouse by touching the screen borders.
NOW (since first RC0) it still does it until the screen edge is reached. Then it gets stuck and moves with the screen...Still not fixed

getproperty system_language now working: good to know. Will try it out soon =)
transparent boxes had wrong color in the player: Still has slightly wrong color in the editor and in the game...
ActionTextRect not saved: =)
waysystem in the console doesn't scroll: Nice one! The only thing i see there which is a bit weird is that the blue line which indicates where the player is going gets not less when the char reaches his first polygon edge... Instead it connects this point to the characters current position and all remaining edges where the character changes direction which shapes a weird polygon...
image interpolation in the editor is now chosen by the game settings: Yeah yeah. works like a charm =)
view resolution in interfaces helper: what dis?
ans a bug which i ran over while testing:
My config.ini script now doesn't work anymore. It seems that it cant handle the for loop which goes through each line anymore:
for lines in io.lines(localAppDir .. ini) do
line = string.lower(lines) -- convert all line content to lowercase
if not line:find("#") then
console output:
12:48:26.433:[string "(30,26)"]:47: bad argument #1 to 'lower' (string expected, got nil)
12:48:26.434:stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'debugerror'
[string "function debugfunc(err) debugerror(err) end"]:1: in function
[C]: in function 'lower'
[string "(30,26)"]:47: in function 'read_config_ini'
[string "(8,2285)"]:18: in main chunk
12:48:26.434:Failed to run string in Lua:
12:48:26.434:String content: file_name = "config.ini";
if not config_exists(file_name) then
file_name = "gamestates.ini";
if not gamestate_exists(file_name) then
print ("can't find gamestatess.ini file. creating an empty file.");
The stuff from line 8 onwards is my script i execute in the game start action.
what can i do about this?
EDIT: ok troubleshooted a bit. It seems that it has nothing to do with the string.lower function at all. The error gets triggered by my script which the available display resolutions by using the " system.getDisplayModes() "function from the engine.
Did you change something in here, simon? As mentioned in another forum this function worked not like expected (key , values where switched) and i had to write a workaround. Maybe this is killing the script now if you corrected this...