the easiest way is to use Lees last alternative solution.
I dont know what kind of "item dragging" you use right now?
If its
a) the official dragging from the engine: use "Set item" action part
It sets the currently held item to the one you selected. Also check "Dragged item"
use "Item dropped" + your set item action at the designated object in the scene to trigger your script.
(if you still use my old script i sent you this should be working for you)
b) setting the item without any visual change of the cursor (like in monkey island 1&2) : do the same as a, but uncheck the "Dragged item"
use "execute command" + your use command + your set item action at the designated object in the scene to trigger your script.
c) like method b but also changing the cursor with lua scripting to simulate dragging (most complex but most moddable) : do the same as a, but uncheck the "Dragged item"
use "execute command" + your use command + your set item action at the designated object in the scene to trigger your script.
d) setting for every item an own command and changing the cursor when the command was set (like in the Little Less Desperation game kickstarter demo) : ... ask Lee again

use " Lee" + " Lee" to "Lee" your "Lee" to the designated "AFRLme"