(SOLVED) how to disable camera pan at scene start and inventory scroll command set not working

  • #10, z fallacies_fallaciesMonday, 09. January 2017, 03:42 hodinky 8 years ago
    lol yeah sorry I wanted to be detailed so you could what i was going for. Your way definitely makes sense and I was overcomplicating it, but I'm still having the same problem.

    Even though the object becomes visible when the cursor goes over the briefcase, it's not interactable. So the object text doesn't appear, the assigned commands don't appear, and even the arrow buttons will show up like they should but they don't work. I think maybe the action to make the interface show just makes it visible, but the buttons won't function. 

    Another problem is, for some reason, the object will show up on top of the closed briefcase and it's not until after the first time I hover over it that it has the desired effect of disappearing when the briefcase is closed. This only seems to happen most of the time but randomly sometimes it works the way it's supposed to.

    p.s. I'm assuming the inventory_bg should be below the main inventory interface. Should I be creating an interface area for the buttons or just an object area?


    25 Posts

  • #11, z afrlmeMonday, 09. January 2017, 04:05 hodinky 8 years ago
    The interface with the briefcase images should be below the main inventory interface. The scroll buttons should contain both an active & inactive image as on mouse over those is automatic. I don't remember if you have to create an object polygon for the scroll arrows - been a while since I created an inventory interface.

    As for the inventory interface being visible... this is why I mentioned in my p.s note about hiding the inventory interface inside of the start actions under game properties. You have to manually hide any interfaces you don't want visible on game launch otherwise any interface linked to your active character will be visible as soon as the first scene of any kind is shown.

    Question: have you checked out the old tutorials by Glenfx? They are somewhat outdated as they were written before Visionaire Studio 4, but most of them are still valid to a point & I believe the inventory interface (sam & max style) is kind of similar to what you are after. Anyway, check it out here: https://www2.visionaire2d.net/glenfx/ - part 8 is the bit you are looking for.


    7285 Posts

  • #12, z fallacies_fallaciesTuesday, 17. January 2017, 02:34 hodinky 8 years ago
    OK, it worked exactly as I want after following the guide. I've seen this before but I should have just reviewed it again sooner. I'm moving at a snails pace but I appreciate the prompt replies. I feel like I'm back on track now. 


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