I would recommend adding the required conditions/values for each chapter to be added into tables ...
you could for instance create a table which links to all of the values & conditions by using the getObject() command ...
tblConds = {}
tblConds["cond_name"] = getObject("Conditions[cond_name]") -- replace cond_name with condition name
tblVals = {}
tblVals["val_name"] = getObject("Values[val_name]") -- replace val_name with value name
alternatively you can use index numbers instead
tblConds = {}
tblConds[1] = getObject("Conditions[cond_name]") -- replace cond_name with condition name
now for each chapter we can create a function which you can call via "execute a script > function_name()"
function setC1cv() -- set Chapter 1 conditions & values
-- let's set the conditions
tblConds["cond_name"]:setValue(VConditionValue, true) -- or false
-- let's set the values
tblVals["val_name"]:setValue(VValueInt, number) -- replace number with an integer value
something like that should work fine I think. this is of course just something quick off the top of my head & there might be a better/alternative way but it's late & I haven't got me thinking cap on.
P.S: the "..." just represent additional data for you to add, they shouldn't be included in the scripts. Also there's actually a basic developers console which can be toggled with the "tab key" while running your game via the VS editor. With this you can do various things from changing scenes/characters/conditions/values/print_log/execute a script & other various things. you could use it to quickly change to x scene & for executing the required function for changing the values/conditions.