3D Character Question

  • #1, z elvis-morelliTuesday, 31. January 2023, 18:11 hodinky A year ago
    Hello there, I've google a lot before asking you guys, there's no much info, only this non understandable and Visionaire 4 referred link.

    How to add a 3D rigged character on a 2D scenario?
    Is this possilbe?

    I know I can make a spritesheet from 3D frames but is not the same thing...
    Can someone help me?
    There's a tutorial or some game with 3D characters to test?



    2 Posts

  • #2, z afrlmeTuesday, 31. January 2023, 18:28 hodinky A year ago
    A'llo, I would recommend asking on our Discord server, as you are more likely to get a faster response on there. A few of our members have dabbled around with the 3D character side of the engine, so they may be able to point you in the right direction.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, z elvis-morelliTuesday, 31. January 2023, 19:36 hodinky A year ago
    A'llo, I would recommend asking on our Discord server, as you are more likely to get a faster response on there. A few of our members have dabbled around with the 3D character side of the engine, so they may be able to point you in the right direction.

    I'll do, thank you so much for your answer.


    2 Posts