„Sandra and Woo in the Cursed Adventure“ is available on Steam as of today.
But the game is not everything. We offer a detailed walkthrough with lots of pictures for free and also a not so free

Poser Pack that includes a whole bunch of Sandra and Woo comics, strips from the fantasy comic Gaia, parts of the game soundtrack, artwork and a making-off.
We are all so happy to finally being able to celebrate the release and hope that people will like the game so much that they leave feedback

And in case you were wondering, the game is also suitable for kids. It won’t cause bad dreams (even though the raccoon Woo feeds on a few creatures

A special feature is that you will change your game characters during the course of the game. With some you might even play the same area again, making full use of each character's special abilities.
So guys, I can see you working on your own games and would like to say a word of encouragement. With the help of the Visionaire Engine and enough perseverance, you can make it to the finish line without a budget and only a handful of hard working volunteers. Just keep going forward