Not sure about interface bit, but there is a Lua function that allows you to check the current platform the game is being played on. According to the wiki it only supports win & mac, but I'm pretty sure I remember seeing other platforms available before.
Probably better to create a duplicate of your ved & replace the interfaces for the android/iOS exports. Probably take you a couple of hours to a day to sort out at most.
Anyway, the Lua function is the getProperty function, which you can find here: example... you could setup a value in the editor to store the results
if getProperty("platform") == "win" then
Values["platform"].Int = 1
elseif getProperty("platform") == "mac" then
Values["platform"].Int = 2
elseif getProperty("platform") == "linux" then
Values["platform"].Int = 3
elseif getProperty("platform") == "ios" then
Values["platform"].Int = 4
elseif getProperty("platform") == "android" then
Values["platform"].Int = 5
Quick note: I don't know if the property values I've used are correctly written or whether or not they exist. You'll have to ask Simon.
Anyway, as for most compatible interface for both desktop computer & handheld device, I would recommend single command interface a la broken sword. I'm not sure how gestures work... can you do right click with touchscreen device? Anyway, you can always emulate right click by having a mouse event listener & having it create a right click instance on mouse hold or double click or something.
I'm pretty sure you will figure something out.