First impression from my first usage of a 5er version (for macOS): im impressed! great workflow. great style. many improvements.
Although i have found some bugs and have some considerations, wishes and further improvement ideas:
1. "pop up" windows such as for the conditions/values on the right panel or on the left when opening the scene / interface /etc properties: add an "x" button to that. Its not that clear how to close these. The pop ups on the left ONLY close when clicking on the "properties" text again, the pop ups on the right ONLY when clicking in empty/free space in the conditions/calues list.
The reference finder pop up is also only closing when clicking beside it.
2. Because the new camera movement is much more smooth low res games don't profit as much as i hoped. When the scroll speed gets lower at the end of the scroll it kinds of shutter the last pixels... Any hope to have this smooth scrolling choosable/switchable?
3. No syntax highlighting in the Scripts section? need

(macOS free Version)
4. Could you increase the zoom size in the Editor at least for characters/objects/cursors to 500%-600% ? For low res games 400% zoom is not enough for smaller characters/objects/cursors or scenes where pixel perfection is everything...
5. The "interfaces" icon looks more like a shopping bag. I would suggest to make different ones: (a window like these from operating systems for example). Also the objects "football" looks a bit weird. Here something like a potion or anything which looks more like an takeable objekt fould fit more than that circle with smaller circles in it

6. When displaying object text it should be possible to define its font. Instead object text font has to be changed via Lua. Narration text for example has free chosable font inside its action part. Would love to see that for object texts, too

7. in macOS the "preferences" option in the normal menubar is greyed out. Instead the "3 lines menu" has it. Please readd it that preferences is also openable via the "normal way"

8. its weird that the scenes tab have the scene values/conditions on the right and the interfaces tab has them on the left besides the button list.
9. Its weird that scene conditions/values are on the list on the right, but scene object conditions/values are still in the object properties. First thing i came in my mind to improve this is to append (but clearly separate) a second conditions/values list under the scene conditions/values as soon as clicking on a scene object.
EDIT: 10. Inside the Fonts tab when having a png font which based upon another png font, it doesnt show the image in the prevew
EDIT: 11. Double clicking the Dark/Light Theme switch opens the reference search pop up. (cant recreate anymore)
EDIT: 12. Shortcuts mentioned in the menu (ctrl+H) doesnt work in macOS. For example when changing it to cmd+H to fit in macOS it conflicts with default window shortcuts (cmd+H in macOS is hide window)
EDIT: 13. In the command list window (ctrl+h) the detailed action text is really crumped together and by that unreadable:
EDIT: 14. "STRG to Move" image at cursor to move object areas has to be "cmd to move" for mac or "ctrl to move" for english windows... but this mixed german and english is a bit weird ^__^
EDIT: 15. Active selection colors for object / button / waysystem borders dont get applied. instead they are all grey now...
EDIT: 16. When choosing a color in the options menu for the editor selection lines, the dialog can be closed with the color picker still open, making it impossible to close the colorpicker until you open options again.
EDIT: 17. changing the increase/decrease zoom number and then clicking to change another value resets the field to 0, making it not possible to zoom anymore until restarting the program and resetting the value then.
EDIT: 18. sometimes when zooming szenes or interfaces it looks blury instead of sharp... Dont know whats causing this. After some program restarts it seems to work again.
EDIT: 19: The save & run and save & run current scene auto open when hovering the mouse over these icons. While this is ok, the menus also open when moving the cursor in the mac menu bar on the same x-coordinate than the icons to open it. So i can move my mouse only on the menu bar of macOS and still open these menus even if im out of the editor window...
That were mainly the thins which went through my mind^^
one bug i found which also impacts the game:
images which have a bit of alpha transparency don't show up correctly in VS editor or VS player. their transparence gets some kind of multiplied instead of added (are these terms correct?).
For example: I have an interface which has a slider. The interface itself has one color background. Because for reasons the slider should get disabled and by that gets slightly transparent. So i have an overlay object + image of the same color which has 60% opacity (in the png image itself, no object visibility). The object polygon of the overlay object also blocks interacting with the below laying slider object.
In 4.25 it looks like the whole slider got transparent because of the overlay. Now in 5.0 it looks like a big darker box is surrounding the slider:
keep up the good work. #hype