To be honest I'm not sure. I don't see anything usable in the data structure under dialogs or fonts...
Ah wait... had an idea...
You can specify which cursor to use for selecting dialog in your active
characters properties tab, so...
- create a unique mouse cursor for dialogs
- assign it to the dialog cursor in your active characters properties tab
- create a condition somewhere, this will be used to determine if a sound should be played or not. Name it something appropriate like: "ds_played".
- inside of the first frame of the mouse cursors inactive animation add a set condition action part & set the condition you created earlier to false.
- inside of the first frame of the mouse cursors active animation create an if query, something along the lines of... if condition 'ds_played' is false; play sound 'x.ogg'; set condition 'ds_played' to true; end if
I think you more or less get the idea.
P.S: if you want to spice it up a bit then you could create a value, set a random value then query said value to select a random sound to be played within an if query. Alternatively you could the same with the Lua functions for the openAL sound engine...
dfx =
function randDialog()
startSound( dfx[math.random( #dfx )] )