Hi. Looks simple. But too complicated to me: So I make an action "call lua script", take in the name of my object (unfortunally I have to do a loop first, they are 26 objects, calling "Rohr01 to Rohr26", but I don't know how, so I use only one object first to test) into the obj-variable, and I want it to 150, 250 (f.e.). Where are the position values? Is this correct?
function moveObject(name, x, y, deelay, easing)
deelay = deelay or 0
easing = easing or easeQuintOut
obj = Objects[Rohr01].Position
Objects[Rohr01]:to( deelay, { Offset = { 150 = 150 - obj.150, 250 = 250 - obj.250 } }, easing )
I don't understand this object thing...