Hey everyone. I'm currently working on a scene and have been trying to figure out the best way or proper way to work with object areas. Haven't found any thread specific for this. If there was one I'm sorry for it. (Seems like a very basic thing and I'm sure I'm just looking in the wrong places for it

My problems:1- I'm not able to figure out how to remove object areas from a scene without deleting the object itself
2- I'm not able to keep an object area linked to an object = when I move the object the object area stays behind
3 - I don't know how to remove object area points (so if a square object area needs 4 points and i'd like to remove one I haven't found the right key to press)
I've been googling this and trying different tutorials but haven't found any guidelines or command list for using object areas in an effective way.
Does anybody have any best practices or tips?
I'm woking on Visionaire 4.1 and in OS X Yosemite (if it made any difference)