We’ve got the same issue with the game we are busy creating. What bothers me is that it seems to be possible to solve the issue; Night of the Rabbit, Deponia and Edna and Harvey 2 seems fine, but Chains of Satinav shows the same kind vibration/stutter while walking and scaling.
I took a video with FRAPS while walking upwards (scaling from 100% to 10%), exported it to stills and inspected the images. The reason for the stuttering seems to be the following:
* Visionaire linearly distributes the scaling values between waypoints, but due to the data type of the scaling factor (integer) it only updates the animation size in 1% increments.
* With high resolution images (e.g. 1920x1080) scaling over a long range causes a step-like effect: in my case it was a 1% decrease in size for every 5 or 6 pixels.
* The final effect is a character animation (at size x) moving up 5 pixels (in position), then it reduces in size (0.99x), moves up 5 pixels, reduces in size (0.98x), etc.
* The top of the frame moving up and then suddenly reducing in size is where the stutter is most visible. This is further compounded when large (e.g. 1000px high) characters are used – a 1% size reduction is 10px! Not something the eye fails to perceive.
Ideally how I would like to solve this problem is setting a real value for the scaling factor on the animation and then rounding to the nearest pixel. I am however not sure if this is even possible. Is there no way to maybe specify a specific animation height?
Like I mentioned, Night of the Rabbit scales very smoothly and they used Visionaire, right? So how did they do it?