I think more or less everything you asked about can be done. Certain things will only be possible via scripting, or asking on the Discord community if any of the members will be willing to create an action part plugin that can do said thing, so you don't have to learn how to code it yourself.
That said, I highly recommend the basics of scripting (or the visual scripting system) as it will provide you with a lot more freedom than what the premade action parts will allow you to do.
In regard to stats & dates & days & so on... they are all just numbers & strings & boolean values & I believe all game engines will allow you to create values/variables, etc. that you can store said data in.
I would also like to point out that Visionaire Studio, is no longer just a game engine for creating point & click adventure games with. Each update brings new features that make it possible to create games belonging to other game genres; however, the primary focus of VS is still point & click adventure games, it's just that now it's a wee bit more flexible in what's possible with it.