#1, z aris-Sunday, 24. December 2023, 16:50 hodinky 9 months ago
Just wanted to use this opportunity to thank Visionaire Studio team and all around for making this wonderful software happen. A quick introduction to me and my work: ever since I was young it was a dream to me to make my own point and click adventure game. For over a year now I have invested a lot of work into what is now starting to take shape.
The game is called "Tomaso I - Die Suche nach der ISO-Norm©" (engl. the seach for the ISO standard©) and the first demo version will only be available in German (if feedback is good then I might make an English version ;-), but as the humor that I want to depict works very well with German, I will stick to this language for aesthetic reasons).
I have attached a screenshot for a first impression.
The story: you play Tomaso, a functional safety manager in the company named "Die Firma" (=the company) and you are assigned with maintaining safety standards for various products and management. Meet wacky colleagues as you explore the different offices in the building's complex while simultaneously trying to fulfill your responsibilities.
The game will be divided into three parts:
• part one will be the introduction to hopefully a series that will focus on obtaining the various ISO standards needed to proceed (five in total)
• part two will take place in another building (will not spoil more)
• part three will take place in the same rooms as part I, but slightly different. The game will end with a cliffhanger that will point to a second part in the series.
Anyway, nice to finally make a first post. Currently I am struggling with making an NPC character randomly walk though a scene. Can't think of a proper trigger or a chain of conditions and if else statements. Maybe you can help me out ;-)