Damn, it's a bugger when that happens. You don't use dropbox, google drive or anything similar to backup your files? They are pretty useful in case anything like that happens.
I also recommend looking into a UPS power regulator box thing. We have to use those in Spain because the electricity here is so unpredictable. I bought an external drive from the UK a few years back & the first time I plugged it in over in Spain it got fried, which says a lot about the electricity here.
Don't have much to say about the video. Graphics & stuff looks nice enough, although I'm not a massive fan of 3D looking graphics in point & click adventure games in general, but each to their own!

I think the most important thing is that you haven't let losing all your previous work deter you from making your game. Definitely shows a strong sense of motivation & dedication in regards to your vision / work.