I was trying to recreate a vertically scrolling screen where the character is seen descending 4-5 screens down. Of course it could had been rendered in a movie file instead, but I tried doing it inside the engine:
I created a 1920 × 5400 PNG file (it was 3 channels PNG, no alpha), and set it as scene background. It wouldn't load inside the mac editor though. At first I thought there was something wrong with this particular PNG (created by Affinity Designer) but I did the same in Photoshop and seems PS has the same issue.
I found an older thread dating back in 2011 on the issue, but it was only tackling the problem in the player. Even back then, the editor wouldn't display it. I've increased the Sprite Cache Size to 80MBs but I still get the following error on the editor's log:
Error: Could not reserve memory (40500 KB) for image 'Rooms/LivingRoom3/LivingRoom__0010_background-gradient.png'. Largest available memory block is 40000 KB. Please increase the memory size in the project settings (fields GamePreloadedPicBufferSize/GamePicBufferSize for max. image size of a preloaded animation or any other image respectively).
What is the right approach in working with big scenes?
Thank you!