I also recommended that the character should finish the whole walk-animation, so that he doesn't stand abruptly after he had his feet in the air just a moment ago.
I spoke with Simon about it a while ago but he was sceptical - I guess because he thought that it might look strange when the character walks at the spot until the animation is finished.
But I'm still sure that it would provide a way better walking animation. We see that behavior in many modern adventure games.
Probably this would lead to the best result:
1. The character should make slightly smaller/bigger steps when he reaches the destination... based on the remaining frames of the walking animation. Probably there must be some kind of intelligence.
2. There could be an optional animation, that sets the character in a standing position AFTER finishing the walk animation.
3. There should be a turn-animation when the character moves on to another destination.
This means more work for the animator, but I'm sure it will lead to the best result. Lee is right, Broken Sword does this right for more than 20 years now

I think Simon could easily implement (well maybe, not that easily, but still) a begin walk animation as that just needs to be played before walking if rotation is not needed (otherwise the animator can include the begin walk animation in the rotation animation).
The end walk animation is complicated because it all depends on which walk animation frame was last shown before character stops, which you would then need to use to determine which frame the end walk animation should play from.
One thing that would really make things easier from an animation perspective is if you could independently animate the left leg from the right leg, thus allowing stepping (the character should only walk if the player clicks on a coordinate far away enough from the active characters current position to be able to take at least one walking step).
If you were to implement the ability for the engine to play the walk animation to the end then it should be optional, but again it would be better if individual legs could be animated independently so you don't have to see character doing the entire walk animation if they stopped walking near the beginning - or maybe could allow user to enter a range which determines what should be played. If frame < x play to x. My other concern with that is it depends on how you have animated the walk animation as not everyone starts off with a frame from the idle position & ends with feet near idle position. In my case for ALLD I picked specific frames to make it look like we had a begin walk rather than the protagonist just starting mid stride, but I did this because I used the update character position on frame change method rather than sliding to make it look like his feet were firmly planted to the ground.
I do think that all of these things would be possible with Lua script & a bit of trial & error to find what works best, but an in-house pure animation option would be preferred.