Hej Thomas.

The only problem I see with doing this stuff now - which is same reason, as I've seen for the past x amount of time - is that the new editor probably won't work exactly the same, so creating screenshots & saying navigate to this tab & so on, would most likely mean that the documentation would need to be rewritten again.
Personally I didn't want to waste my time writing something & creating annotated images & then have to redo them again not that far down the line, as from what I was told, it sounded like the new editor was well on track for release months ago, but of course shit happens & it's taken longer than what you all estimated I guess.
I've already made a start on some basic tutorials & videos which I've already added to the wiki, but I'm going to wait until you give me the new editor for testing or until it's released before I worry myself about creating any additional tutorials or wiki content.
P.S: why haven't you created an English version of this thread or added the English translation underneath the German in the initial thread?
P.P.S: if I need to create some additional content users for the wiki, then please let me know as it has to be done manually by a member with admin rights.