Center scene on character (permanently) is the default behaviour of the Visonaire Studio engine. It doesn't actually mean that the camera is centered on the character as that wouldn't be possible in all cases; like when the scene can't be scrolled any further on the x or y-axis. What it actually does is check listen out for when the character enters into an invisible bounding box & then scrolls the camera to center on the character or at least as far vertically or horizontally as it can go. You can actually adjust the vertical & horizontal bounding box distance quite easily with Lua script so that the camera is always centered on the character except when the scene can no longer scroll. Here's what you do...
1. in game properties under game tab (cog icon), click on the lightning symbol next to
at begin start following action to open up the box that lets you add some actions to execute on game launch.
2. inside of this create an
execute a script action part & add this code to it...
game.GameHorizontalScrollDistance = (game.WindowResolution.x / 2) -- 50% resolution width
game.GameVerticalScrollDistance = (game.WindowResolution.y / 2) -- 50% resolution height
& that should do the trick for you. If you only want to affect camera on x or y axis then --comment out or delete whichever line you don't need. X = horizontal, Y = vertical.