Hi guys,
I need to have two inventories in the scene at the same time, one for the hero character and another to a secondary character.
This secondary character just will appear in a specific scene after an action on an object, and will disappear after another action. I need to show his inventory dynamically.
The idea behind this is to allow the hero to give objects, from his own inventory, to secondary character inventory and passing those objects from hero to secondary character.
What have i done until now:
- I have created the (secondary character) inventory interface, and selected in the "Interfaces" menu of the character. the inventory is working properly with regular test.
- I´ve try to add the action "Show/Hide interface" in the beginning of the scene where the interaction between the characters starts, but i think this action is only applicable to the current character (hero) interfaces.
- I´ve try to add the action "Set interface of a character" but then the inventory interface of secondary character is linked to the principal character and his inventory disappears.
For now, i´m running out of ideas, any help will be highly appreciated

Thank you