Hello guys.
I don't know if there is a better way (without using code) but I think this might help some of you guys or maybe give you some ideas, It can also work as a bonus "concept unlock" feature or something.
I have been working on a personal project and I wanted to implement a scrollable progress Journal, so whenever the character does something significant it gets "written" in a journal interface in an unlinear way.
So, for this I created a blank character and I made another inventory with a notebook background and applied it to that character. I also set the middle of the paper with a huge item place holder and the proper arrows for next and previous items.
Then I created several "items" with an image with the progress report text I want to show in the notebook/journal (only the text with transparency).
So whenever there is a landmark in your game you add the proper journal Item to the empty character and it won't affect your player character's inventory.
When you want to show this "Journal" you just first switch the character to the empty one and show/display his inventory, and with an action on leaving the journal hiding the inventory and switching back to the player character.
(EDIT)BUT for this you would need to have the empty character on every scene or it will try to switch scenes, so, you add an action of "set the empty character" at any position you want (the default 0,0 works fine) on -current scene- at the very beginning of the action list so this will make the character be on the current scene every time.
So your journal access button/key should be like:
1.-Set character "Empty-Character" to scene "current scene" at position (0,0).
2.-switch character to "Empty-Character".
3.-Show inventory.
And there you go... a progress journal
