“I'm not sure about amazon but I think David has to do some stuff to make your game acceptable on certain stores such as steam or the mac app store.
Change it

Steam was not an problem anymore. You just must add it to the greenlight process.
And here, for the Mac we need to resign it without sandboxing (i hope we can fix this with an "Helper App"... "Comment just for dev's, which knows, what i mean^^).
Only for the MacAppStore you need an own "Developer AppID" for the MacAppStore from Apple. I recommend an person, which was "really" an Mac Developer which can create - resign the "Cert" for "Signing". (Really an Mac and Developer was needed)
We have an Developer "Codesign" tool, with it, it was easy to resign the App.
Apple tests every game, before it get's into the AppStore. Very complicated stuff. Think we must and want help

But let me explain it:
You can publish it @ steam (currently Win & Mac), Amazon or something else.
If you want to publish @ the MacAppStore. Sure we help you
These are Stores. No Publisher. An Publisher was EA, Ubisoft, Take2, or something else. You make the game, and they publish it.
We want to see much games on each platform and in different "Stores". Be fair to your customers and they should be fair to you

You see it currently on the Xbox One vs PS4 "battle" what i mean ;D