How to make cartoon graphics in 3D MAX???

  • #1, z sailor-interactiveMonday, 26. September 2022, 16:36 hodinky 2 years ago
    No one will tell you how to make hand-drawn graphics in 3D MAX?


    52 Posts

  • #2, z afrlmeMonday, 26. September 2022, 18:39 hodinky 2 years ago
    Tell who? Why not google &/or youtube it? I'm sure there's loads of tutorials available on the internet already.


    7285 Posts

  • #3, z NigecTuesday, 27. September 2022, 14:14 hodinky 2 years ago
    No idea..  never used 3D Studio Max beyond taking a look every few years and quickly abandoning it
    Loads of ways in Blender though but still a massive learning curve and beyond me to teach anyone "howto"
    If you've got to ask how to do something in 2D in a 3D application you are better off just using 2D software

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    635 Posts

  • #4, z NigecTuesday, 27. September 2022, 14:21 hodinky 2 years ago
    Max will have toon shaders,  and there's loads of online tutorials depending on the renderer you use, you can even get Pixar's render engine which is kinda cool but difficult to learn.. it's called Renderman... 

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    635 Posts

  • #5, z sailor-interactiveSunday, 16. October 2022, 17:02 hodinky 2 years ago
    Thanks for answers ! But I would like to know who can create cartoon graphics in 3dmax? Or maybe someone will advise a program in which it is easy to create cartoon graphics?


    52 Posts

  • #6, z jbl4dWednesday, 26. October 2022, 14:22 hodinky 2 years ago
    search it on youtube there are so many tutorials about it but if you looking for After effects i recomend you to learn from Andrew Kramer -


    2 Posts

  • #7, z sailor-interactiveSaturday, 19. November 2022, 11:00 hodinky A year ago
    Nobody in 3D MAX did hand-drawn graphics???


    52 Posts

  • #8, z Herbert123Wednesday, 14. December 2022, 07:43 hodinky A year ago
    "hand-drawn" graphics can only be done either on paper or by drawing with a tablet or screen tablet and pen in a 2d drawing/animation app. You will have to learn to draw (obviously).

    I take it you mean to create characters in a 3D application that LOOK as if they were drawn?

    That is still hard work, and a lot of skills must be learned.

    Here is a great tutorial that teaches you how to achieve that "cartoon drawn" look from start to finish in Blender.

    That will get you started. Good luck!


    4 Posts

  • #9, z sailor-interactiveTuesday, 10. January 2023, 15:50 hodinky A year ago


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