hmm ...
the General idea is that menu scenes etc should be made at the same size you set as your default game resolution.
if you create scenes bigger than the default game resolution then they become scrollable.
Visionaire Studio scales based on the game resolution you set & your actual screen resolution ...
for instance: if you create a config.ini file inside of the root folder of your game/project (as long as you haven't added a game/company name - otherwise you need to create the config.ini inside of: c:/users/appdata/local/company_name/game_name) & inside of the config.ini add the following lines:
fullscreen = yes
resolution = auto
resolution "auto" automatically scales the game according to the users current screen resolution.
inside of the editor settings: Extras > Options > Player ...
you may want to enable "fullscreen" & "activate support for widescreen displays" (depending on default game resolution you set)
hope this helps?