I use this for gradial:
Objects.objName.TimeToDestVisibility = 500
Objects.objName.DestVisibility = 100
And this for toggle:
Objects.kittan.Visibility = 100
Though they cannot be used interchangeably, if you used .Visibility to reveal object, you cannot then hide it with .TimeToDestVisibility + .DestVisibility and vice versa.
Aye, that was the old method.
Simon implemented the to tweening function into 4.1 or 4.2 (I forget), which allows you to create a transition with easing & loop or pendulum loop.
game.CurrentScene.SceneObjects["example"]:to(1000, {Visibility = 0}, easeQuintInOut, true, true) -- fade back & forth in a loop between 0 & 100% opacity
You don't have to include easing or loop/reverse boolean values. By default they would be easeLinearInOut (probably) & false/false. One thing to note about the to() function is that it's technically possible to adjust multiple different data structure fields inside of the same to() function, which can save a bit of time every so often depending on the situation.