And on to the next issue! I've tried to add the volume sliders to my project by checking out the project file, but with little luck. I don't know what's the issue, but I can't get the damn things to control anything. I haven't added the plus and minus buttons and want to leave out the slider for speech, since our game doesn't have voice overs, but all I've managed to do is to draw horrible coder graphics for two of the sliders, but clicking them only manifest the animation frames for sliders in the upper left corner of the screen and nothing else. Clicking the SFX slider does produce a screaming cat (although intended), but with no effect to the volume. I traced back few error reports and triple-checked my spelling, but now I don't know how to proceed.
I've checked the log. There's one error message saying "Wrong argument type for argument #1 (expected visobject)". There's also a line saying "String "volume control" invalid syntax for command startAnimation.
There's also a message of stack traceback regarding beginning of the scene of Options_Menu.
I'd really appreciate words of wisdom on this matter