Actually you can use the openGL shader for that. There's already a premade old movie effect.
If you haven't already included the shader toolkit in your project then you need to create a new script in the script section of the editor & copy/paste the script from this
page into it.
Quick note: the shader screen fx presets affect the entire screen including interfaces & mouse cursors, so if you want to exclude them from the effect you need to add a line of code to the top of the shader toolkit script.
game.ShaderExclude = eShaderExcludeInterfaces -- exclude fonts, cursor and interfaces
... that will exclude cursors, fonts & the mouse cursor from the screen fx. Alternatively you can use...
game.ShaderExclude = eShaderExcludeTextsAndCursor -- exclude fonts and cursor
game.ShaderExclude = eShaderExcludeCursor -- exclude cursor
Moving on... for the noise effect you can use 2 different options. Either way you will need to add the required line of code into a
execute a script action part.
1. shader noise
shaderNoise(1, -0.1, 0) -- activate noise in 0ms with a soft black grain
2. old movie effect
For more information on the shader check out the shader sections available on the
script index page of the wiki.
Quick note: I've not gotten round to documenting all the shader effects yet, but you can probably get the gist of how they work from the ones I have finished documenting.