Hey, this sounds like a great plan, I be happy to try when I am all settled back in Norway with a bought Visionaire Studio lisence and a PC that works

Have many plans, and are eager to get on with it!
Well, China has some issues over Google access, so I can't see youtube, check my gmail, use the facebook and twitter, and some other things are also offlimits here. As I think of it, the only thing I miss is Youtube since I have a channel of my own I would like to use.
My answers then:
* yes they like the idea of a periodically hosted competition
- yes -* that it should be hosted once every 3 months
- ok! -* that it should last for 2 weeks (time to make & submit game)
- fair enough! -* that steam keys / gifts are a mediocre gift (most people voted 3/5)
- steam keys are mediocre, but realistic for this kind of event.-* donating unwanted steam keys / gifts is split between yes & I would but I'm too poor
- yes, I am poor, but I like to give away anyway if someone need it more than me -* that we should crack on with it
- Yeah, is a great scheme, and will boost creativity -