@sebastian not that I'm aware of.
I'm trying desperately to play-test my game and fix bugs, tidy things up, re-pace dialog and having to continually make new save games so I don't have to keep playing it from the start again.
Its currently around 2 hours of play-time (more if you investigate everything) so it's really hard to test end to end, especially if I'm making little changes and having to go back and test again.
In this case is it possible that because the data structure has actually changed between saves then variables might be messed up? so for example this variable did exist before the save but other variables didn't and now they have effected the xml structure so things have messed up? (maybe length of arrays or number of child nodes)
I really need a better procedure for testing a long game like this, I wonder what other developers do? This is why I suggested the holy grail of a debug page you could flick to mid game full of radio buttons and values that you could change in real-time, that would be great!

Do you think this could be the issue?
Anyone have any ideas about how to play-test a long game in VS without having to keep going back to the start all the time?